Pope Francis has appealed to States to create communities “willing and open to welcome, accompany and integrate those who knock on the doors” of the countries, in reference to the “challenge” of migration.

After the Angelus, the Pontiff stressed from St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican that this Sunday marks World Migrant and Refugee Day, a day on which it is worth remembering that the right to emigrate has become for many “a obligation”.

“Every man and woman should be guaranteed the opportunity to live a dignified life in the society in which they find themselves. Unfortunately, misery, wars and the climate crisis force so many people to flee,” he lamented.

In this sense, he has asked countries to create these communities ready to support migrants and thus respond to the challenge of migration, a topic that, he recalled, was at the center of the ‘Mediterranean Meetings’ in Marseille, in which he participated. this weekend.

Furthermore, in his address before praying the Marian prayer of the Angelus, Francis warned that the justice practiced today “is sometimes not capable of leaving the cage of calculation”, which implies “limiting oneself to giving according to received, without betting on the effectiveness of the good done freely”.

Given this, he has defended the justice of God who “does not measure love on the scale of our performance, our benefits and our failures.” “God loves us and that’s enough, he loves us because we are children, and he does it with an unconditional and free love”, he recalled.