The Regulations also change so that the President of the Government and the ministers are obliged to appear in the Upper House


The PP has asserted its absolute majority in the Senate to definitively approve a reform of the Regulations that will allow the processing of the amnesty law to be delayed for up to two months. In addition, it has introduced an amendment to force the President of the Government and the ministers to appear in the Upper House when requested by parliamentary groups.

With 147 votes in favor and 116 votes against, the Senate Plenary has carried out the reform of the Regulations that gives the power to the Table of the Upper House, where the ‘popular’ have an absolute majority, to decide or not to apply the procedure of urgency in law proposals, such as amnesty.

Likewise, the PP has taken advantage of this process of the reform of the Senate Regulations to include an amendment that requires the President of the Government or the ministers to appear in the Upper House when requested by the parliamentary groups.

Those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo decided to accelerate the processing of this reform of the Regulations as much as possible, so that last Wednesday it was taken into consideration and on Monday the Regulations Commission endorsed it so that it could be voted definitively this same Tuesday, anticipating that The amnesty law leaves Congress.

In the explanatory statement of its reform proposal, the PP explains that the Magna Carta in its article 90 regulates the processing by the Senate of the ordinary or organic law projects approved by Congress, reducing to twenty calendar days the period within which The Senate has the power to veto or amend projects declared urgent by the Government or the Lower House.

The PP emphasizes in its initiative that article 90 of the Constitution refers, therefore, to the projects “but not to the proposals of law, through a literality that, as the parliamentary work demonstrates, is not coincidental but the result of will of the constituents”.

In any case, article 90 of the Constitution also establishes that the processing of bills that come from Congress, such as the amnesty law, cannot exceed two months in the Senate from their entry into this Chamber. , if they end up being done by ordinary procedure.

In addition, article 106 of the Senate Regulations also includes this period of two months, from the day of receipt of the text, to expressly approve it or to veto it, introduce amendments to it and return it to Congress.

The ‘popular’ have included in their proposal to reform the Regulations an amendment to include a section that specifies that the ministers and the President of the Government will be obliged to appear in the Senate when requested by two parliamentary groups or a fifth of the senators.

This arises after four ministers refused to attend the Senate Plenary last week to appear on different topics after the request of several groups, alleging that this obligation was not included in the Regulations of the Upper House.

In the same way as in last week’s debate on taking into consideration the reform of the Regulation, the PSOE and its investiture partners have rejected the measure promoted by the ‘popular’, since they consider that it has been processed “by the back door”, without consensus between the groups and that violates the Constitution.

This has been explained by the socialist senator Manuel Fajardo, who has questioned why the PP, which has had the absolute majority of the Upper House on more than one occasion, has never before carried out the reform of the articles of the Regulation that Now it “does bother them.”

“You are adding this anti-regulatory and unconstitutional (reform). We will exercise our right to appeal for protection before the Constitutional Court,” Fajardo said. Thus, he has expressed his desire that when the high court reviews the appeal, it “gives” the PP “the review it deserves.”

For its part, the parliamentary group formed by ERC and Bildu has reiterated to the PP the “nullity” of the reform process for not respecting the established deadlines, while it has reproached them for seeking an “institutional mutation” when the amnesty is a ” political tool” to solve a political conflict that affects “everyone.

Sumar has taken advantage of his intervention to censure the “urgency” used for the reform, but nevertheless paralyze the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) for almost 5 years. “You cannot be there on Sunday at 12 o’clock with a flag and then come here on Tuesday at 11 o’clock and cut it down,” they reproached during the plenary session.

Along the same lines, Junts has assured that carrying out the modification without the “traditional” consensus represents a “serious regulatory violation.” He has also accused the “constitutionalists” of the PP of violating the Constitution in a “clear example of parliamentary filibustering”, obstructing the processing of a “legitimate and democratic” amnesty law.

PNV, which has also voted against, has criticized not the substance but “the ways” of the PP to process the reform. In his opinion, the measure does not seek to give greater autonomy to the Senate but rather to serve the interests of Feijóo’s people. An argument that has also been supported by BNG, whose spokesperson has stated that the PP is not concerned about “legality or democracy” and that they only “roll the roller.”

The only two parties that have voted in favor of the reform promoted by the ‘popular’ have been Vox and UPN. “No one can ignore the profile when we have so much at stake,” said Vox senator Paloma Gómez, who has insisted on making use of all available tools to stop those who seek to “humiliate us and compromise the existence of the political community.”

Likewise, UPN believes that the PSOE pacts represent a “total surrender” to the blackmail of those who “make our lives bitter.” “They presented it to us as a great achievement for coexistence and what it is achieving is an enormous mobilization of judges and prosecutors,” he reproached.