He says that an Amnesty Law is “an unaffordable political price” and that the lack of rejection by the Government is causing “social commotion”


The Popular Party has already registered the motions announced by Alberto Núñez Feijóo to force socialist officials to vote in the regional parliaments, councils and city councils throughout Spain if they are in favor of the amnesty law and the equality of Spaniards. After ensuring that an Amnesty Law would be “an unaffordable political price”, he warns that the lack of rejection by the Government is causing a “deep social commotion.”

Specifically, in the text on the amnesty, the PP asks that a vote be taken to reject “any type of amnesty or generalized non-individualized pardon for any Spanish citizen whatever their crime.” Furthermore, it encourages the two majority parties “to seek State agreements that prevent Spanish society from being subjected to the blackmail of the independentists or doomed to a repeat election.”

In the statement of reasons for that motion, the PP points out that “this is not the first time this issue has been raised.” Thus, remember that in 2021 an initiative of these characteristics was registered in Congress and the Lawyers issued a “forceful” report. Furthermore, he highlights that both Pedro Sánchez and other legal ministers of his Government such as Juan Carlos Campo, Fernando Grande Marlaska and Carmen Calvo affirmed in the past “the unconstitutionality of a possible amnesty.”

“The legal facts remain the same, but the political circumstances have changed. Pedro Sánchez, in a desperate attempt to retain the Presidency of the Government, has opened up to the possibility of processing a bill”, something that, in his opinion, in addition to “to assume a flagrant unconstitutionality, once again a shortcut is used to avoid the legality controls of the CGPJ, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Council of State.”

According to the PP, the price of the Presidency “would not only be to exonerate hundreds of crimes but also to delegitimize the rule of law and whitewash and consider the legitimacy of the sedition that was carried out.” “In short, an unaffordable political price for any decent ruler and the lack of explicit and forceful rejection by the Government is causing a deep social commotion,” he adds.

Furthermore, the PP points out that on October 15, 1977, Congress approved the Amnesty Law that followed “the principle of national reconciliation” that guided the transition to democracy. According to him, the amnesty was “a social demand and a necessary and essential challenge to the legal system of the dictatorship.”

The PP indicates that it was one of “the instruments with which the repression suffered by a part of Spanish society was put to an end and one of the great agreements” that consolidated the path to democracy. He also remembers that during the processing of the 1978 constitution the issue of amnesty was debated since two amendments were presented so that the Cortes Generales could have that jurisdiction, but the amendments “were rejected and, on the contrary, the article was approved 62 which prohibits general pardons”.

“That is, forgiveness – which does exist in our system and is regulated in the nineteenth-century Pardon Law – must always be individualized and never generalized,” he emphasizes, to underline that in a consolidated European democracy such as the Spanish democracy of 2023, An amnesty, furthermore, “attacks some of the basic principles of the Rule of Law such as the exclusivity of the judicial power to judge and enforce what is judged, equality in the application of the law and legal certainty.”

The PP considers that “neither the legislator nor the Executive Branch can assume the power to declare a group of people immune, erase their crimes and even prevent them from being tried like any other citizen.”

Regarding the second of the motions, the PP recalls that article 14 of the Constitution establishes that Spaniards are equal before the law, without any discrimination being able to prevail, regardless of where they live, “a principle that is complemented by that of solidarity”, as stated in article 138 of the Magna Carta.

The PP motion recalls that the autonomous process has been converging on levels of self-government that have made Spain “a model of decentralization”, endorsed for decades by the Constitutional Court, “guarantor that the legislation and, in a singular way, the statutes of autonomy, were always framed in accordance with the provisions” of the Magna Carta.

“All this baggage is threatened today by projects that seek to break equality and solidarity among Spaniards, as well as by proposals for constitutional mutation that promote consecrating inequality and privilege between territories and citizens. An inequality that is accentuated in the day to day of Spaniards due to economic, technological and demographic tensions, says the PP.

“Today, in Spain, equality is more threatened than ever,” affirms the PP, which believes that they are facing “a new historical challenge in which a populist and radical minority seeks to impose the rupture of the equality of Spaniards.” that belongs to everyone, it must be decided among all,” maintains the PP initiative.

For this reason, the PP expressly asks in this motion to reject “any project that tries to break equality or recognize privileges for citizens or territories in any part of Spain and that violates the provisions of the Spanish Constitution.”

In addition, it proposes “a great national agreement that faces the main challenges” that Spain faces: institutional regeneration, the Welfare State, the foundations of the economy, a pact for families, a pact for water and a territorial pact.

Fourthly, the PP calls on the Government to propose “a regional financing model that guarantees the principles of equality and solidarity and that is the result of agreement between all.” “We reject any unilateral privilege outside the agreement between all the Autonomous Communities,” the text states.

Finally, the Popular Party demands that the Executive guarantee a financing framework for City Councils, Provincial Councils, Consells and Cabildos based on “sufficiency, solidarity and equity.”