The PP has ratified its frontal opposition to the government’s pension reform after considering that this will harm both SMEs and workers, who will have to “contribute more” to have the same pension or even less.

During the debate to validate the decree of the reform in Congress and after the intervention of the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, José Luis Escrivá, the coordinator of the economic area of ??the PP in Congress, Jaime de Olano, has made clear the your group’s rejection of this new system, both in substance and in form.

Regarding the form, Olano has commented that the decree will be approved “outside” the social dialogue and the Pact of Toledo. “We have found out from the leaks to the press,” said the economic coordinator, who added that the Government’s promise to process the decree as a project will have little effect because the reform is conditional on the delivery of European funds, so predictably the European Commission will hardly allow touching the approved text.

For Olano, this is a “regrettable” way of legislating, if one also takes into account that the price of training practices has not taken into account the opinion of businessmen, universities or even the Ministry of Education, according to the PP deputy.

Olano has also accused the “lack of dialogue and transparency” on the part of the Minister of Inclusion, José Luis Escrivá, something, the deputy said, that “cannot be fixed by sending three Excel sheets 48 hours before” which according to Olano, in addition, They have miscalculations.

Olano has referred a lot to the recent report by the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility (AIReF), where it is estimated that the new reform will increase the Social Security deficit.

The PP’s economic coordinator believes that the report is “devastating” and has accused Escrivá of going against “everyone” and also against the body that Escrivá himself led years ago.

Regarding the data, Olano said that with this reform the self-employed will have to contribute 200 euros more on average to receive the same pension or less. In addition, the PP deputy has pointed out that with this new system the State will keep 63% of the gross salary of qualified workers.

In short, Olano has criticized that the PSOE raises pensions for a few years to “end up cutting them”, since, as the PP deputy explained, the reform includes proposing for 2025 a “new cut in salaries or pensions for all”.

In a last attempt, Olano has urged the minister to withdraw the reform so that “common sense and prudence” prevail and to sit within the Pact of Toledo to achieve a “sustainable over time” reform.