‘Génova’ says that, despite these appointments, it will be Puigdemont who “will decide who follows and for how long from his exile in Waterloo”


The PP led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo has recriminated this Monday against the acting head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, for maintaining 22 ministers in his cabinet, has described the continuity of Fernando Grande-Marlaska as head of the Interior as a “provocation” and has censored the rise of Félix Bolaños, who will now assume the Presidency but also Justice. In any case, the ‘popular’ believe that it will be Carles Puigdemont who “will decide who remains and for how long since his exile in Waterloo”, according to party sources.

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has opted for a continuing minister, although he has rewarded Bolaños and María Jesús Montero, who will occupy the fourth Vice Presidency. In the case of Bolaños, one of the fathers of the Amnesty Law, he will be ‘super minister’ by continuing to head the department of the Presidency and Relations with the Courts and also adding Justice.

New features include the incorporation of the former president of the Canary Islands Ángel Víctor Torres as Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory; the former mayor of Valladolid, Óscar Puente, who will take over Transport; Elma Saiz, former Government delegate in Navarra, who will hold the Social Security portfolio; or the former mayor of Barcelona Jordi Hereu, who will be Minister of Industry.

PP sources have criticized that Pedro Sánchez “loses the opportunity to reduce the most expensive government in history” and maintains “22 portfolios and four Vice Presidencies.” In the last legislature, the PSOE and Podemos Government had three female vice presidents.

Likewise, the PP has indicated that by uniting the Ministries of the Presidency and Justice and handing over its management to Bolaños, “its most political minister”, Sánchez sends “a clear message to Europe and the judicial system, and it is not precisely to depoliticize the justice in Spain”, according to the same sources.

Furthermore, the PP has stressed that the fact that Bolaños also assumes relations with the Cortes implies that he “coordinates the functions of the President of the Executive, directs relations with the Legislative Branch, and coordinates dealings with the Judicial Branch.” “Quite a message for a president who has little interest in protecting the separation of powers in our country,” the party added.

The ‘popular’ have also highlighted that the continuity of Fernando Grande-Marlaska in the Interior “is a provocation after the Pegasus scandal, his lies about the incident that left several dead at the Melilla fence, or the immigration crisis.”

The PP has also stated that “to build the wall between Spaniards that he anticipated in his investiture speech”, Pedro Sánchez “has chosen the right bricklayer by sitting in the Council of Ministers”: Óscar Puente.

According to the ‘popular’, by throwing Podemos out of the Government “he blames Ione Belarra’s party for all the problems he had in the previous mandate” and “now despises the party that helped him become president”, sources from the team of Feijóo.

In any case, the PP has pointed out that, although there is a Government with a president, four vice-presidents and 22 ministers, “the one who continues to rule our country is Carles Puigdemont, who will decide who remains and for how long since his ‘exile’ in Waterloo “, the same sources have concluded.