Justifies the initiative in the implications that the norm has for “the stability, equality and integrity of the autonomous State”


The Popular Group of the Senate has requested this Thursday in the Upper House, where it has an absolute majority, that the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities prepare a report on the “autonomous content” of the proposed Amnesty Law, as stated in the initiative registered to which Europa Press has had access.

According to the ‘popular’, the proposed Amnesty Law “has an autonomous content and implications that are evident due to the intense impact that its approval would have on the stability, equality and integrity” of the autonomous State.

The request for this report to the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities occurs on the same day that the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, has rejected the Public Ministry’s report on the amnesty as requested by the Senate.

The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, who has demanded that the attorney general “not block” this report that the Upper House requests from the Fiscal Council, has confirmed that her party will seek to ensure that the processing of this norm in the Senate is “with all guarantees and none of the possibilities of participation are ignored”, pointing out that they will also request that experts, jurists and associations appear.

For now, this Thursday the PP has presented a request in the Senate – signed by 25 senators of the party, led by its spokesperson, Alicia García – for the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities to prepare a report on the content autonomy of the proposed Organic Law of Amnesty.

The PP justifies this request in articles 56 bis 3 and 56 b) of the Senate Regulations, which attribute to the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities the “function of reporting on the autonomous content of any initiative that must be processed in the Chamber and establishes the period within which said report must be issued in the case of bills or legislative proposals.”

In the explanatory statement, the Popular Group alleges that the law that the PSOE and its partners have agreed upon “has an autonomous content and implications that are evident due to the intense impact that its approval would have on the stability and integrity of our autonomous State. “.

Therefore, the PP says that “it is considered necessary for the Senate, as the Chamber of territorial representation, to proceed with an evaluation of the effects” of this proposal for an Organic Law on issues such as “the principle of constitutional loyalty” which, as it points out, according to the doctrine of the Constitutional Court “it obliges both the State and the Autonomous Communities”; or on the “general interest, especially in the specific aspect of the integrity of the State and its system of territorial organization.”

In the same way, it defends that the Senate rule on the effects of this norm related to “the principles and constitutional norms that support the State of Autonomies or with which it is associated” (such as solidarity, territorial cooperation, prohibition of privileges economic or social between communities, equality of rights and obligations, etc.).

It also asks that it issue its assessment on “the commitment of the State, in accordance with national and European regulations, with the requirement of criminal and accounting responsibilities for the improper management of public funds, which affects all public administrations, including regional ones.” .

The Popular Group argues in the initiative that “without prejudice to the abundant doubts that exist about the constitutionality of the legal figure of the amnesty and, even more so, of this projected amnesty in particular”, the bill that is still being processed in the Congress “directly affects, among other essential issues, the validity of our autonomous State model.”

Furthermore, it emphasizes that “the common denominator of all crimes or conduct determining administrative or accounting responsibility to which it is intended to grant a privilege of impunity” is none other than their relationship, in one way or another, with the so-called ‘process independence’ of Catalonia, characterized by “the explicit, persistent and determined will of the higher institutions of the Generalitat and very prominently of its Presidency and Government, with the support of the majority of the autonomous chamber, to place itself outside the Constitution” .

In its writing, to which Europa Press has had access, the PP emphasizes that the Senate Regulations attribute to the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities the function of reporting on the autonomous content of any initiative that must be processed in the Chamber and establishes the period in which said report must be issued in the case of bills or legislative proposals.

For all these reasons, the 25 signatory senators, members of the General Commission of the Autonomous Communities, request that it be convened to report on the “autonomous content” of the amnesty law.