The PSOE has challenged the election process of the governing bodies of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and has announced that it will study the appropriate legal measures upon detecting that the Popular Party “has failed to comply with the organization’s statutes in the candidates presented.” “.

The PSOE has indicated in a statement that the PP would have “violated up to two of the articles referring to the candidacies for the Government Board and the Territorial Council”, which indicate that no person “may present themselves in more than one candidacy”.

Specifically, the socialists have specified that the ‘popular’ have failed to comply with article 31 on the composition and election of the Members of the Government Board (Chapter III) in its section 3.a, which develops the electoral system as follows: “Closed candidatures will be presented that will include a maximum of twenty-two people, none of them may appear in more than one candidacy.”

Consequently, the PSOE has stressed, the preparation of the popular list also violates article 26 on the composition and election of the members of the Territorial Council (Chapter II) in its article 26.b.1, which indicates that “the candidatures will be closed and will include a maximum of 61 people, none of them may appear in more than one candidacy.”

These statutes have been in force since their approval in the previous Plenary Session of the FEMP, on September 21, 2019. The municipal entity held its XIII Plenary Session this Saturday, in which it renewed the governing bodies with a majority presence of the PP as a party. most voted in the elections of last May 28. The mayor of Jerez de la Frontera, the popular María José García-Pelayo, has been named president, replacing the mayor of Vigo, the socialist Abel Caballero.