The former mayor of Valladolid was scolded on an AVE this morning, the Police had to intervene and the train was delayed


The secretary of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, has demanded that the PP immediately dismiss one of the members of its national leadership, the deputy secretary of Organization, Miguel Tellado for “justifying violence” against the socialist deputy Óscar Puente, as stated .

In a message on his account on the social network

“Justifying violence and intimidation is inadmissible in politics and democracy. As Secretary of Organization of the PSOE I demand that the president of the PP, Mr. Feijóo, immediately dismiss Mr. Tellado. As soon as possible,” he said.

The PSOE requests the departure of Tellado, who is also a deputy in Congress, after he issued a message against Puente, who this morning suffered an altercation on an AVE between Valladolid and Seville, in which a man rebuked him. The Police had to intervene and the train was delayed.

“They are schoolyard bullies. The level of cockiness and aggressiveness of this PSOE is intolerable. They can no longer go out on the street. That is why Sánchez travels in Falcon,” wrote Tellado, referring to the incident in which Puente has been involved. .

Previously, the former mayor of Valladolid had also reproached Tellado for his words and had asked him to leave his deputy record “this afternoon.” He has also accused the PP of justifying violence and intimidation.

Puente was unexpectedly appointed by the PSOE to take the stand during Feijóo’s investiture debate that began this Tuesday, since the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, or in any case the parliamentary spokesperson for the PSOE, was expected to intervene. socialists, Patxi López.

In the PP they complained that Sánchez did not speak, they accused him of hiding so as not to have to speak out on the amnesty demanded by the independentists and they also undermined Puente’s intervention, whom Feijóo accused of pouring slander and slander against him.