The PSOE and its parliamentary partners are inclined not to hold appearances in the Congressional commission on emergency public contracts until after the Catalan elections on May 12, following the same scheme as the other three investigative commissions set up in the Lower House .

In Congress, in addition to the commission that the socialists promoted as a result of the ‘Koldo case’, three others that the PSOE agreed with ERC and Junts in exchange for their support for the election of Francina Armengol as president of the institution are also open.

The Plenary Session of Congress approved the commission related to the purchase of medical supplies on March 21 and that same day, the Chamber Board opened the deadline for the groups to designate their representatives in this body with the intention of accelerating its constitution.

These names were registered on March 25 and, although the PSOE tried to set up the commission before Easter, it finally got going last Tuesday, with the election of the members of its table.

Next Tuesday the table will meet with the intention of opening a period for the groups to present their work plan proposals. The socialist Alejandro Soler Mur, who chairs this commission, has chosen, in principle, to prioritize the approval of the work plan and leave the appearances for later.

That is, the idea is that the deadline that will open on Tuesday will only be for each group to reveal what roadmap they want to follow and then the commission will be convened to decide its action plan. Then the same scheme will be followed with the lists of appearing parties, which may not be approved until the end of this month.

Given that the people who are decided to be called must be notified of the summons fifteen days before the scheduled date for their appearance, everything indicates that they will not be able to begin parading through Congress before May 12.

This calendar would allow the PSOE to avoid, for example, the former Minister of Health Salvador Illa, now first secretary of the PSC and candidate for the Generalitat, from being questioned in this commission before the regional elections. Junts is determined to summon him and his appearance could go ahead if he receives the support of the PP and Vox, just as it could happen with other names proposed by the groups.

And this idling situation is likely to apply to the three investigative commissions created under the pact that the PSOE sealed in August with ERC and Junts. All of them were established on February 28, but none of them have started working yet.

Its task is to open investigations into the so-called ‘operation Catalonia’, the espionage of independentists with the ‘Pegasus’ program and the jihadist attacks that took place in Barcelona and Cambrils (Tarragona) in August 2017.

The groups have already registered their proposals for appearances in the case of the first two, but no date has yet been set to vote in the commission or the work plans or the people from whom testimony will be collected.

The commission related to the 2017 attacks already met to analyze the work plans proposed by the groups but was not able to reach an agreement. A week later a new meeting was scheduled but it was decided to call it off due to the lack of agreement.

This body, chaired by Sumar’s deputy Txema Guijarro, has remained blocked since March 19 and, in this case, there has not even been a deadline for political parties to put on the table the names of the people they want to call. .