The Socialists accept five ‘popular’ amendments and secure a large majority for this week’s vote


The PSOE has easily carried out the reform of the Law of ‘only yes is yes’ in the congress presentation after reaching an agreement with the PP and also obtaining the support of the PNV and Ciudadanos, while its partners from Unidas Podemos have voted against, along with ERC, Bildu and Vox.

During the presentation meeting that was held this Monday in Congress, the Socialists have agreed with the main opposition party to include up to five of their proposals in their initial proposal to reform the ‘only yes is yes’ Law, according to informed Europa Press parliamentary sources. This ensures majority support for the votes this week, on Tuesday in the Justice Commission and on Thursday in plenary.

One of the amendments corrects the declassification that the law makes by mistake of the distribution or public dissemination through the Internet, the telephone or any other information or communication technology of content specifically intended to promote, incite or encourage the commission of crimes of sexual assaults when it comes to minors under 16 years of age.

In addition, they include a text that introduces the responsibility of the legal entity in cases of degrading treatment, workplace harassment or property harassment. In addition, a modification is made to one word in the text registered by the PSOE.

Both parties have also negotiated compromises in relation to other proposals from the main opposition party, which also involve technical corrections in the wording, both of the modified articles, and so that these changes are reflected in the statement of reasons for the regulation. .

Before entering the meeting of the presentation, the Socialist Equality Secretary, Andrea Fernández, had already announced that the agreements were “merely technical” with respect to the PSOE reform proposal and that the changes are related to “the wording” in which “one way is preferred over another”.

“It is part of ordinary parliamentary work, as we do absolutely with all laws,” Fernández pointed out, before pointing out that what has been done with the ‘popular’ is “accept a series of changes and modifications” that are “agreed on the “socialist” text.

To Podemos’s criticism of this agreement with the main opposition party, Fernández has responded by pointing out that it is a “question of parliamentary maturity.” “The PSOE seeks the best possible text to address the imperfections contained in the law on sexual freedom and in this sense we negotiate or speak with those groups that allow us to maintain our position in the purest possible way, in which we have drafted it because We consider that it is the best way to solve the problem that has been caused”, he explained.

For his part, the PNV spokesman in this presentation, Mikel Legarda, explained upon leaving the conference that his party’s support for the socialist proposal and the changes agreed with the PP is due to the fact that “there have been no substantial changes ” with respect to the initial proposal of the PSOE. The Basque nationalist party considers that the solution to the “legislative defect” created “is correct.”