Defends the “unity” of “those progressive parties or movements” that work for greater mobilization, referring to Yolanda Díaz


The Minister of Education and PSOE Spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, has admitted today that they would like there to be less noise in the coalition government and has asked the Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, “prudence and discretion” when working so that the bills on which they are negotiating go ahead.

This is how Alegría has pronounced today, who has tried to value the 201 laws approved by the coalition government and the “paradigm shift” that, according to what he has said, some of them have entailed.

However, most of the questions that have been addressed to him were focused on the discrepancies that are emerging in the coalition government, among others, the refusal of United We Can to approve last week the consideration of the proposed Law presented by the Socialist Group to correct the so-called ‘only yes is yes’ Law.

Added to this is Ione Belarra’s criticism of the socialist part of the Executive, asking it not to respond so much to the calls of the housing employers in order to be able to push this Law forward in Parliament.

“It is evident that we would like there to be less noise”, admitted Pilar Alegría, who made it clear, when asked about the accusations of the Minister of Social Rights regarding the alleged pressures that the Government receives in relation to the Housing Law, that in the PSOE they are used to doing politics “hand in hand with prudence and discretion” and they are going to continue doing so.

The socialist spokesperson has insisted that there is “clear interest” on the part of both parties in reaching an agreement on the Housing Law. An agreement that she, according to her, has emphasized “is very close.” Therefore, she has once again asked, in the face of these criticisms, that people be “respectful, prudent” and “let themselves work” on this issue to move the Law forward.

“It is about getting a good Law that guarantees the constitutional right to get a home and to be able to propose formulas to stop such inexplicable increases in rental prices,” he stressed.

Pilar Alegría has also alleged that the PSOE and Unidas Podemos are two parties “with a long history and a different way of doing politics” and the way that the socialists have, has had an impact, is “from prudence, silence or from rigor”. .

However, and although he has framed Belarra’s words in the proximity of the electoral contest, he has assured that, given that on Saturday the Socialists hold a meeting of the Federal Committee “it is a good moment to make an important balance of the Government’s action and of the party in this Legislature”.

But he has specified, in this sense, that it is necessary to focus on the more than 200 laws approved and, today in particular, on the agreement that comes “hand in hand with Europe” on the pension system. A pact that contrasts, according to Alegría, with the unilateral decision of the PP when it governed with an absolute majority to revalue them only 0.25 percent.

“When it comes to talking about the functioning of a government, it is important to focus on the fundamentals,” she warned when asked if she believes that at the meeting of the Socialists on Saturday someone will raise their voices to question the noise that is being produced in the Government with we can

Faced with this question, Pilar Alegría wanted to highlight the fact that it is the first coalition government in history and to assess how this Executive has functioned against that of the PP when the ‘popular’ governed “without any support” and with constant demonstrations in the streets.

The PSOE spokeswoman also stated that the unity of the progressive parties to the left of the PSOE seems important and positive when asked about the role that the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, is going to play.

In the same line that the party has been maintaining on several occasions, it has advocated for the unity of the leftist forces, when questioned about the role of the Sumar platform.

In addition to whether he fears that Díaz’s project could reduce support for the Socialists, he has defended the long history of the PSOE, which in the last general elections, in 2019, was the main choice of citizens.

“But I also tell you, welcome to those progressive parties or movements, which work for that greater mobilization and also for unity”, he indicated below.

Regarding the motion of censure presented by VOX and set for March 21 and 22 in Parliament, it has not specified how the sessions will be held by the Government and if, in addition to the president of the Executive, other ministers or the second vice president Yolanda Díaz. According to Pilar Alegría, they have not yet made the decisions in this regard. DOES NOT TRUST THAT THE PP CAN SUPPORT THE PENSION REFORM

The socialist spokeswoman has also referred to the “outstretched hand” of the PP to negotiate the pension reform and that the Executive can count on the “experience” of the ‘popular’ in this area since they describe the proposal as a “pseudo-reform” of the Government and consider that it is full of “gaps and postponements”.

The Spokesperson specified that she had not heard Feijóo and that it would seem like “good news” if they wanted to support the reform. However, he has shown his distrust that this is going to be the case because the model that is approved is a “radical change” in relation to the one approved by the PP and because this party has voted against the labor reform, the rise in the SMI or Minimum Vital Income.

Thus, he has indicated that the Socialists base their position “on the path of income and not of expenses”, they maintain the revaluation and guarantee the sustainability of the system, while he considers that the leader of the PP has put himself in profile so many times that may end up disappearing and has criticized the “ambiguity” of this in his statements on pensions.