The purchase and sale of homes in Spain fell by 14.9% in September compared to the same month of the previous year, while the granting of mortgage loans for the purchase of a home fell by 22.6%, according to data from the General Council of Notaries.

Specifically, the number of sales and purchases in September reached 48,196 units and the average price per square meter stood at 1,643 euros, with a decrease of 0.9%.

By type of housing, apartment operations decreased by 14.3% year-on-year, to 36,774 units, while in the case of single-family homes they decreased by 16.9%, to 11,422 units.

Apartment prices registered a decrease of 1.7%, reaching 1,811 euros per square meter, while the price of single-family homes averaged 1,347 euros per square meter, registering an increase of 0.1%.

The purchase and sale of housing grew in two autonomous communities, Castilla-La Mancha (8.4%) and Cantabria (6.3%), and decreased in the remaining 15.

Specifically, the greatest decreases were located in the Basque Country (-25.9%), Catalonia (-21.9%), the Balearic Islands (-19.3%), the Canary Islands (-19.0%), Madrid (- 17.9%), Navarra (-17.6%), Valencian Community (-15.8%) and Andalusia (-15.3%).

The communities of La Rioja (-14.7%), Galicia (-9.8%), Murcia (-9.5%), Asturias (-9.1%), Extremadura (-8.4%), Castilla and León (-7.3%) and Aragón (-7.1%) registered falls, but performed better than the national average.

In Spain, the price per square meter fell by 0.9% year-on-year, with increases in 14 autonomous regions and decreases in the remaining three.

By order of magnitude, housing prices rose above 5% in Galicia (11.2%), La Rioja (9.8%), the Balearic Islands (8.3%), Castilla y León (6.1% ), Castilla-La Mancha (5.7%), Cantabria (5.3%), Canary Islands (5.3%) and Valencian Community (5.2%).

While Aragón (3.1%), Extremadura (2.9%), Murcia (2.6%), Andalusia (1.2%), Madrid (0.7%) and Catalonia (0.2%) had more moderate growth.

On the other hand, the cost of housing showed declines in Navarra (-20.8%), the Basque Country (-2.3%) and Asturias (-2.2%).

In September, mortgage loans for home purchases decreased by 22.6% year-on-year, to 20,120 transactions.

The average amount of these loans decreased by 6.0% year-on-year, reaching 143,926 euros on average.

Thus, the percentage of home purchases financed by a mortgage loan stood at 41.7%. Furthermore, in this type of purchases with financing, the amount of the loan represented on average 70.5% of the price.

Mortgage loans for home acquisition grew only in Castilla-La Mancha (4.2%) and performed better than the national average in the regions of Murcia (-22.2%), Valencian Community (-20.8 %), Galicia (-20.5%), Madrid (-19.6%), Aragon (-17.1%), Cantabria (-15.5%), Canary Islands (-14.6%), Castilla y León (-9.4%) and Extremadura (-7.0%).

On the other hand, Navarra (-39.1%), Asturias (-36.0%), La Rioja (-34.5%), Catalonia (-33.4%), Balearic Islands (-28.4%), The Basque Country (-26.2%) and Andalusia (-23.0%) showed steeper falls than the national average.

Regarding the average amount of new mortgage loans for home acquisition, it grew in seven communities and decreased in the remaining ten, highlighting the increases in the Balearic Islands (8.7%) and Andalusia (5.3%) and the declines in La Rioja (-56.8%) and Navarra (-28.9%).