The Federation of Industry, Construction and Agriculture of UGT and CCOO of Industry have filed a collective conflict procedure before the National Court against the Feique employers’ association’s interpretation of the XX chemical industry agreement.

In a statement, UGT FICA indicated that the unions are against “the biased interpretation” of article 38 (Salary Guarantee Clause) of the XX general agreement of the sector.

Specifically, the union understands that the 10.3% salary review agreed in the current agreement must be applied to the gross salary mass, “without excluding workers because they were hired in the years 2021, 2022 or 2023 and receive a salary higher than the minimum recognized in the collective agreement”. Likewise, it insists that in no case may compensation or absorption of the salary review be carried out.

Thus, UGT FICA regretted that the employers’ association has chosen “the path of confrontation with the workers just when the negotiation of the new collective agreement must begin and that they cloud and call into question the social dialogue and mutual trust essential to achieve a future.” understanding between the parties.

In this regard, the secretary of the Chemical, Textile and Graphic Arts Sector of UGT FICA, Julián González, showed his confidence that Feique “abandons his intransigent position and opens himself to a literal interpretation of the article in question and admits that it does not carry out “there is never any distinction between workers regarding the application of the salary guarantee clause”.