Biden asks Republicans to stop their “political maneuvering” and focus on providing more resources for border security


The United States House of Representatives, with a Republican majority, approved this Tuesday the holding of a political trial against the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, due to the current situation on the border with Mexico, where they consider that an “invasion” is occurring. “, and that has led Democrats and Republicans to maintain a political pulse.

The vote ended with 214 in favor versus 213 against, including three members of the Republican Party who have sided with the Democrats, making Mayorkas the first cabinet secretary to be subjected to this process in 150 years, as published by the CNN television network.

Last week, the Republican bench already tried to approve this procedure, although the absence of several members of the party caused the Lower House to reject the proposal, which will now have to go through the Senate, controlled by the Democrats, so it is unlikely that it will be approved. the motion goes ahead.

“This recall attempt has already failed once in a bipartisan vote. Instead of mounting political maneuvers like this, Republicans with genuine concerns about the border should want Congress to provide more border resources and stronger border security. Unfortunately, the “The same Republicans pushing this baseless impeachment are rejecting the bipartisan plans that Mayorkas and other members of my Administration have worked hard on to strengthen border security,” said US President Joe Biden.

The president has assured that “history will not look kindly” on the Republican Party for its “flagrant act of unconstitutional partisanship” against an “honorable public servant”, according to a statement from the White House.

In that sense, he highlighted that Mayorkas arrived as a Cuban refugee with his family and that he has been serving the country for more than 20 years “with integrity” and based on the country’s “values.” That is why he has asked Republicans to stop “playing politics” to allow his Administration to deal with the border situation.

“The House must also immediately approve the Senate’s national security supplement. We will continue to look for real solutions to the challenges Americans face, and House Republicans must decide whether to join us in solve the problem or continue playing politics with the border,” Biden added.