Bravo says that the Civil Guard is considering “several hypotheses” and if “some human action” is behind the start of the fire


The fire declared this Thursday in the Castellón town of Villanueva de Viver already affects 4,000 hectares of surface area within a 40-kilometre perimeter, it is still active and the evolution during this afternoon “has not been positive”, since the fire has advanced significantly “faster” than expected and the situation is therefore now “more complicated”.

This was explained in statements to the media by the Minister of Justice, Interior and Public Administration, Gabriela Bravo, after attending the coordination meeting at the Advanced Command Post (PMA), from where she indicated that the fire is “boxed in”. in the Maimona ravine, the area that worries the most, because it has “a lot of fuel” due to the forest mass, and it is close to the road that connects with Montanejos and Montán.

Bravo has reported that the air resources have been working until late afternoon, although with the entry of night they have already withdrawn, and that the “rapid” advance of the fire has forced the withdrawal of some ground resources since there was a “serious risk to the lives of the troops”.

Thus, he explained that the strategy of stopping the advance of the flames “has not been possible” to carry it out, so during the night the deployed media will continue to work for it, to which reinforcement troops from Murcia have been added. and the other two provinces of the Valencian Community.

In this way, during the next few hours the work will focus on concentrating an anchor point on the road to Montanejos through technical fire, precisely to try to stop the advance of the flames. First thing in the morning this Saturday, the aerial means will be incorporated again.

Asked about the possible causes that may have been behind the start of the fire, she stated that at this moment the Civil Guard is investigating the facts based on “different hypotheses”, as well as whether there is also “some human action” behind the origin of the fire , although he has pointed out that at this time “we do not have” “clear” conclusions.

“We do not know, and as long as the Civil Guard does not provide a clear conclusion, I cannot anticipate anything,” he argued, while warning that now “everything is speculation.” “We are not hiding anything, when the Civil Guard has it — the conclusions –, we will know,” she pointed out.

Questioned directly whether the sparks from a brushcutter machine of a municipal brigade from Villanueva de Viver when it was cleaning a path could be the cause of the start of the fire, as some media have published, Bravo has stated that she does not know if “work was being done” and has insisted that at this time there is “no conclusion”.

Regarding the operation, the fire department of the Castellón Provincial Council continues to direct the extinction tasks, with more than 450 extinction personnel from different administrations, including the Castellón Provincial Council Firefighters, the firefighters of the Provincial Consortiums of Alicante and Valencia , from the Castelló and Valencia City Council, forest firefighters from the Generalitat, the Government of Aragon and BRIF from the Ministry.

All of them are fighting the flames, added to the nearly twenty aerial means that have fought the fire from the air during the afternoon, already withdrawn. The area that “most worries” is that of the Maimona ravine towards Montán, where “a large part of the efforts” are focused, as reported by the provincial body.