The Solidaridad union, linked to Vox, has called for a general strike for next Friday, November 24, in defense of the unity of Spain and to show its rejection of the future amnesty law and the PSOE pacts for the investiture.

The Ministry of Labor only allows social agents recognized as the majority to call a general strike, a field limited to UGT and CCOO because they are the most representative unions at the state level since they accredit 10% of the total staff delegates, the members of the works councils and the corresponding public administration bodies and the unions or union entities. And therefore, whether together or alone, they are behind all the general strikes called in Spain during the constitutional period.

However, although Solidaridad does not reach these figures since, to achieve them, a longer career is necessary – it was born in 2020 -, as Solidaridad sources explain to Europa Press, jurisprudence indicates that the right to strike cannot be denied to workers. minority unions because it is a fundamental right.

Given this, after the presentation of 100,000 signatures and the registration in the Ministry of Labor, Solidaridad has been able to formalize the call for a strike to add it to the rejection that Vox has shown on numerous occasions to Pedro Sánchez’s pacts and the guarantee to oppose to the plans of the acting chief executive with all the methods at his disposal, specifically citing institutions, courts and the streets.

According to the formation, with this call they seek to go further after the numerous mobilizations that have occurred in recent days. “It is time for one more step, we call on all workers, their families, associations, federations, groups, unions, parties and citizens concerned about the unity of Spain and the defense of labor rights,” they noted in the announcement.

In his opinion, the concessions of the socialists “will cause a framework of inequality for workers in Spain as a whole.” The forgiveness of the debt “is paid with the taxes of the workers” and is a transfer framed in Sánchez’s need to tie up the votes of the independentists, a circumstance in which the amnesty for the Catalan activists prosecuted in the last ten also fits. years.