Poland’s acting prime minister, Donald Tusk, who leads Civic Platform, has gained the confidence of the Lower House after the ultra-conservative Mateusz Morawiecki failed in his attempt to be re-elected to office, thus ending eight years of power of the ultraconservative Law and Justice party (PiS).

Specifically, 248 deputies voted in favor of Tusk’s investiture, while 201 opposed it, and there were no abstentions. The opponent is scheduled to take the oath on Wednesday before the president, Andrzej Duda, according to the PAP news agency.

Among the ministers that Tusk – who already held the same position between 2007 and 2014 – has chosen for his new cabinet, the former MEP Radoslaw Sikorski stands out, who will hold the Foreign Affairs portfolio, as he did when the conservative was at the head of the cabinet. Government.

Adam Szlapka, leader of the Modern liberal party, will be the new European Union minister, while the leader of the Polish People’s Party, Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz – who already held the Labor portfolio under Tusk – will now be vice president and Minister of Defense.

Another relevant position will be held by the former Polish Ombudsman, Adam Bodnar, who has taken over the Justice portfolio. Likewise, the economist Andrzej Domanski will be Minister of Economy, according to the aforementioned news agency.

Tusk, elected on Monday by Parliament after the failure of the motion of confidence in the previous Government, has advanced in his first speech that he wants to be an ally of the United States and that he will work to continue helping Ukraine defend itself from the military offensive launched by Russia in February 2022.

After a few years marked by public confrontations between Warsaw and Brussels, the new president has pointed out that “whoever questions Poland’s position in the EU, whoever bets on the terrible game of isolation and loneliness”, acts against the “fundamental interests ” of the country, according to the Bloomberg agency.

Not in vain, Tusk, who was already president of the European Council, wants Poland to have access to European funds that remain blocked due to doubts regarding key issues such as the rule of law.

In the last elections, Civic Platform gained 157 deputies who, added to the 65 from Third Way and the 26 from La Izquierda, have made it possible to promote a government coalition that has finally unseated the ultra-conservative Morawiecki.