The positions between Sumar and the purple dome continue without progress and Belarra and Díaz exchange public messages


The regional coordinators of Galicia and Navarra, in addition to various parliamentarians from the purple formation, will attend the event next Sunday in Madrid where the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, is expected to officially announce the decision on her candidacy for the regional elections, in contrast to the position of the national leadership that conditions their presence to sign a prior agreement on the holding of open primaries.

In addition, the positions between Sumar and the purple formation remain unchanged for now, since Díaz has reaffirmed his desire that the leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, attend the event while the purples insist that this possibility is in their hands, but They don’t understand why you don’t commit to their requirement in writing.

This morning the regional coordinator of Podemos in Navarra and candidate for the 28M elections for this community, Begoña Alfaro, has confirmed that she will accompany Díaz because she has been invited, as a representative of the broad left-wing coalition ‘With you Navarra’.

In addition, he has asked that the “level of confrontation” be lowered and that “what unites them” be put first, which is a medium- and long-term project headed by Díaz with “all” the progressive forces behind it.

In this way, Alfaro distances himself from the guideline established at the state level and joins the leader of Podemos in Galicia, Borja San Ramón, who also confirmed last Friday that he was going to cover the vice president on Sunday, a day after he celebrate the state Citizen Council of the party, the highest leadership body between assemblies.

They will not be the only positions of Podemos who attend, since the deputy in Congress and representative of Galicia en Común, Antón Gómez-Reino, will also attend, as the general secretary of the confederal group, Txema Guijarro, plans to do.

Also the MEP of United We Can María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop advanced in networks that will go to the act of Madrid. Likewise, the regional deputy for formation in the Valencian Community, Naiara Davó, has indicated to Europa Press that she will attend this act, as will the regional deputy in Aragon Nacho Escartín. Both were relieved in the past as spokespersons in their respective regional chambers.

Although they will not attend the event, the vice president of the Balearic Government for United We Can, Juan Pedro Yllanes, and the deputy critical of the formation and third vice president of Congress, Gloria Elizo, have shown their public support.

Within the current confederal space, the federal coordinator of the IU, Alberto Garzón, will support Díaz, leading a broad delegation of positions including leaders such as Enrique Santiago (also general secretary of the PCE) and Sira Rego.

On behalf of the ‘commons’, the mayoress of Barcelona, ??Ada Colau, the Minister of Universities, Joan Subirats, and the spokeswoman for the Catalan Parliament, Jéssica Albiach, will be present as part of a large delegation for the event. Díaz will also be accompanied by the coordinator of Alianza Verde and deputy in Congress, Juantxo López de Uralde.

Outside the confederal space, the leader of Más País, Íñigo Errejón, and his counterpart in Más Madrid, Mónica García, together with the spokesperson for the capital’s City Council, Rita Maestre, will also attend. In Verdes Equo will go their co-spokespersons Florent Marcellesi and Silvia Mellado.

They will attend Compromís and the mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, has confirmed that he will travel to Madrid to support Díaz. The presence of the Aragonese Chunta is also taken for granted, although, at the level of the formations that make up the ‘Acuerdo del Turia’, Més per Mallorca will not attend, which does not have the alliance with Sumar in its strategic line.

This morning Díaz stated that he wanted “many people” from Podemos to attend, in addition to its leader, but Belarra has insisted that it is the vice president who has the “key to unity” and did not understand why she avoided committing bilaterally with Podemos to develop an open primaries.

And it is that she did not know if it was a thing of her or of other formations with which she would have reached an agreement, to insist that unity cannot be forged in dispatch pacts, as happened with the bad precedent of the coalition ‘For Andalusia’ .

The Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, has urged Díaz to close a coalition agreement “now” and has stressed that Podemos has been “generous” in proposing a simple condition.

The last contact between Podemos and Sumar that has come to light was on Monday between the organization secretary of the purple party, Lilith Verstrynge, and Díaz’s chief of staff, which was resolved without an agreement.

The atmosphere at the moment remains tense and the purple formation maintains that it is necessary a priori that the basic rules to be part of that confluence, to avoid what happened in Andalusia.

They also acknowledge incomprehension due to Sumar’s reluctance to sign a declaration of primaries with Podmeos and the appeal to multilateralism, since de facto bilateral negotiations are taking place.

In turn, they suspect that they are trying to erode the legitimacy of the purples when it comes to presenting their positions within a broad front and that this tension is trying to hurt the organization, something that they detect in certain sectors of the left. Thus, they warn of the mistake of those who appeal to treat the confluence after the 28M elections, thinking that these elections will weaken them to negotiate later.

On the other hand, from Sumar they already explained to the purples that their commitment to open primaries is clear, but that the framework for the agreement cannot be bilateral. In this way, they offered a political declaration to Podemos with that requirement, although they asked the purples to assume that it should be bilateral, because it cannot be ignored that there are 15 other formations involved.

Also from sectors close to Sumar they indicate that on Sunday there will be a strong image of unity between leaders and political formations. In this way, sources related to the platform indicate that his absence will only harm Podemos.

Other voices close to the theses of the platform also indicate a lack of understanding of the attitude of Podemos and ask what the problem is when they have been given documents that include the holding of primaries. In this way, they criticize that the leadership of Podemos is showing a lack of sanity when it comes to facing the process for a broad candidacy to the left of the PSOE.

Although most of the sources consulted within this space see a solution to this controversy between Podemos and Sumar as complicated, there are also some sectors that trust that an agreement will be possible until Sunday.