The Plenary Session of Congress will receive a non-legal proposal from Vox next Tuesday to deploy a set of tax measures, including an increase in the personal income tax deduction per child and a list of tax benefits for large families.

This tax plan, according to the group, aims to reduce the tax burden to “allow the creation, maintenance and progress of families.” Above all, says the formation of Santiago Abascal, taking into account the situation “that families, the self-employed and Spanish companies are suffering” in light of the “disastrous economic policies” of the Government.

In this context, Vox proposes to increase the amount of the deduction per child in personal income tax, doubling the current amount from the third child, and progressively for the following ones. Likewise, it proposes applying a reduced rate of VAT for the acquisition of vehicles with between five and nine seats for large families, in addition to exemption from payment of traffic fees for these families and a 50% discount for general category families. .

Likewise, Vox proposes the design of social plans for renting homes to families, also giving priority to numerous or more disadvantaged ones; the easing of requirements in housing plans, both for income and age; and the consideration of per capita income and each of the dependent children for all allowances, deductions or benefits.

In addition to these specific measures, the training also proposes a general reduction in personal income tax and a reduction in social contributions paid by the worker. The motivation for these tax cuts, they say, is the boost to job creation.

Added to this, they want a greater facility for the acquisition of the first home, through the bonus for the acquisition of a habitual residence, as well as a reduction in VAT and Property Transfer Tax.

It also advocates taking actions to suspend the Inheritance and Gift Tax and the Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land, the latter known as municipal capital gains. In the last section of this point, those of Abascal suggest improving access to bank financing for individuals and families.

With regard to the rest of the proposals, the group urges the Government to implement policies to reduce public debt and rationalize public spending; in addition to the repeal of the climate change law and the promotion of a “social, economic and reliable environment for the formation and progress of families”.