The distances that Vox has marked with the PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo may have an echo in the governance of the autonomous communities, given that those of Santiago Abascal are considering not supporting the budgets in the territories where it is not included in the ‘popular’ executives. ‘, like the Balearic Islands, because they declare themselves “fed up” with Genoa’s snubs.

Vox announced on Monday that it is separating itself from Génova due to the lack of collaboration with its commitment to put together a joint strategy against the Government of Pedro Sánchez and the amnesty for those accused of the process agreed by the PSOE and Junts to invest the president.

In the mouth of the general secretary of Vox, Ignacio Garriga, Vox denounced what they see as “attacks” and “contempt”, after weeks demanding coordinated action from the PP against the investiture pacts and disfiguring the ‘popular’ which His judgment is lukewarm when it comes to fighting Sánchez.

Those of Santiago Abascal particularly ask the PP to assert its majority in the Senate to prevent the processing of the law that will regulate the grace measure in the Upper House. For its part, the PP has already expressed its refusal to prevent this procedure and to undertake common actions with Vox.

The turning point was marked by the agreement reached by PP, PSOE and Sumar to divide up the Congressional commissions, established this week. The ‘popular’ did not reserve any commission presidency for Vox, a party with which they collaborate at the municipal and regional level, and this filled patience at the Bambú headquarters.

Something similar had already happened at the beginning of the legislature, when the PP did not count on Vox to form the Congressional Board. Then the relationship between the two became strained because Vox understood that a ‘cordon sanitaire’ had been made when they had secured their 33 votes in favor of Feijóo’s investiture. Those from Santiago Abascal denounced this “lack of generosity” from Genoa and left their support in the air until Feijóo made public recognition of their association.

Subsequently, Feijóo explicitly thanked Vox for its support and stressed that he has a “normal democratic relationship” with the party and that the collaboration between the two would be maintained. Abascal considered the conditions met and inaugurated a “new stage” with the ‘popular’. Until now.

Sources from the Vox management point out to Europa Press that they are fed up with the behavior of the PP, which they see as more concerned about distancing themselves from them than from the PSOE. They denounce snubs and contempt, even when they support them in city councils, governments and support their demonstrations against the amnesty. They demand recognition of an association, which those from Abascal see as natural, sustained over time. In short, they want the systematic disdain towards them to cease.

The sources consulted emphasize that the problem lies with Genoa, since Vox and the PP have managed to reach an understanding to govern in coalition in the territories. They especially highlight the fluid relationship in Aragon, with the ‘popular’ president, Jorge Azcón, and in the Valencian Community, with Carlos Mazón. And they appear upset by the difference. The Vox spokesperson in Congress, Pepa Rodríguez de Millán, expressed this same line on Wednesday.

“We co-govern with the PP in five communities, with PP presidents who seem willing to participate in that common front and, therefore, we will talk with them to form that resistance that, we understand, the ‘popular’ must form. together with Vox,” he noted. “We will talk to them because it seems that a PP has arrived in Genoa willing to move away from Vox and get closer to the PSOE.”

Garriga already announced that the cooperation between PP and Vox is not in doubt in the communities in which they co-govern. Sources from the Vox leadership insist that the party will fulfill its commitments where they are part of the governments and will not let them fall. A different case is the territories where they support from outside, such as in the Balearic Islands, where their contribution may be in doubt if this public recognition is not given. And they specifically mention support for regional budgets.

The case of the Balearic Islands, where the PP governs alone after an investiture agreement with Vox, is particular because the relationship between the two has already suffered tensions. A crisis in autonomy arose due to the regional budgets and the free choice of languages ??in education.

The PP did not support an initiative by Abascal to choose the language in Early Childhood and Primary, which caused the Vox parliamentary group to decide, in response, not to support the spending ceiling proposed by the ‘popular’. In the end things fell into place.