Vox’s spokesperson in Congress, Pepa Millán, has justified her party’s absence from the Constitution Day event in Congress by alleging that it is “extreme hypocrisy” to celebrate the Magna Carta when, in her opinion, President Pedro Sánchez “tramples on a daily basis”, and accuses the PP of “sharing the pie of the institutions” with the socialists, acting “as if nothing was happening.”

Pepa Millán, who earlier in the morning was at the flag raising in the Senate, placed next to the socialist spokesperson Patxi López, later approached Congress but only to make statements, since Vox has once again been absent from the central organized event by the Cortes Generales.

As he explained, the PSOE commits “extreme hypocrisy” by celebrating the Constitution that “it is trampling” with “an unprecedented attack on the constitutional order, the separation of powers and the institutions”, and that “is going to amnesty criminals change of a yes in his investiture” and “he is going to make all Spaniards pay the million-dollar debt left by the corrupt separatists.” “And we are not going to participate in that hypocrisy,” he stressed.

And what he has criticized is that, despite that context, “there is an attempt to impose normality and act as if nothing had happened here.” In that sense, he has said he does not understand the attitude of the PP that “calls for demonstrations on Sundays, but then they share the cake in the institutions” with the PSOE, as it has done with the Commission Presidencies in Congress, some of which They have ended up in the hands of ERC and Junts.

“We are certainly not going to participate in that, we are not going to give a charter to the PSOE, nor are we going to act as if none of this happened,” he proclaimed.

In his opinion, the national leadership of the PP headed by Alberto Núñez Feijóo seems to be “determined to distance itself from Vox”, despite the fact that in some communities they share a government and there are regional presidents willing to take a common front against the PSOE and its allies.

What Vox is going to do this Wednesday is join the demonstration called by the Defense Foundation of the Spanish Nation (DENAES) in front of the socialist headquarters on Ferraz Street, where in its opinion there will be “the Spaniards who have been truly defending constitutional order and equality”.