The national leadership of Vox has expressed its support for the two leaders who were removed from the parliamentary group in Balares, both the president of the party in the archipelago and the president of Parliament, and has announced that it will propose the expulsion of the other five autonomous deputies who They have been kicked out “unilaterally.”

This has been settled by the general secretary of Vox, Ignacio Garriga, when asked about the open crisis in the Balearic organization after the president of the party, Patricia de las Heras, and the president of the regional Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne, have been sections of the parliamentary group.

As he explained, the two separated leaders have the full support of the national leadership of Vox, while the five who communicated the expulsion from the Parliament have acted “unilaterally” and without informing Madrid, so the ‘number two ‘ of the party will propose his expulsion.

“I want to make it very clear that it was a decision that the five made without authorization or informing the party,” said Vox’s ‘number two’.

Garriga has assured that the motivation of these five regional deputies has been “personal ambition” and has highlighted that those expelled are the most committed to the defense and protection of Spanish in the archipelago. Likewise, he has guaranteed that De las Heras and Le Senne will continue “fighting” for Vox’s ideas in the Balearic Islands “without rest.”

The vice president of Vox has also drawn a parallel with what happened in Murcia in October 2022. The parliamentary group was occupied by rebel deputies, but they managed to dissolve it after leaving it with only two deputies, not reaching the minimum required in the autonomous Parliament to have a group own.

With the expulsion of De las Heras and Le Senne, the rebel deputies will act in the Balearic Parliament under the acronym Vox. However, Garriga wanted to downplay what happened and stated that in the next election in Murcia “the result was that more people trusted Vox.