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Blockchain technology for the Development of the smart city of Tomorrow, is not a new idea. All on the front line: Ho-Chi-Minh-city. However, that, of all things, the crypto-sceptical Vietnam could be the pioneers in terms of Blockchain applications, surprised.

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Ho-Chi-Minh city (HCM city) is considered the economic center of Vietnam. The million metropolis in the South of the country wants, the media promote according to reports, the Expansion of Blockchain technology massively. Because, like Vietnam, News headlines, announced the Vice-Chairman of the city Parliament, Trần Vĩnh Tuyến, during a conference on the promotion of Distributed Ledger technologies (DLT). Therefore, to DLT, come all, for the Development of Smart City applications.

In Saigon, for aid from the outside. During the conference, the Supervisory Board of the Saigon High-Tech Park, where the Event had taken place, a so-called Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with HD KING Technology World co., Ltd. signed to make the contribution of HD KING to promote the Blockchain technology however, it remains vague. The company is a manufacturer of electronics devices such as Action cameras.

in Addition, the South Korean Accelerator CBA Ventures Saigon’s idea of a modern Smart City is to bring a piece closer to and about Start-ups, promote, engage in the industry. A corresponding MoU was signed at the conference also.

the invention of The Blockchain has made financial transactions more efficient, more transparent and easier. Online payments can be sent directly from one party to another without going via intermediate organisations such as financial institutions, commercial banks, or Central banks,

the Supervisory Board, is quoted Chairman of the Saigon High-Tech Park, Lê Bích Loan. After a bumpy Start, the technology is now ready for the application.

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Vietnam is not for his crypto-friendly attitude is known. Finally, Bitcoin & co. are since 1. January 2018 is prohibited in the Southeast Asian country completely. While the use of crypto is not currencies to ban due to their decentralized and pseudonymous structure entirely. The Import-stop of Mining Hardware in the country but it shows the clearly restrictive attitude of the authorities in relation to Bitcoin.

From the Authorities, it seems, however, Blockchain-to separate applications of crypto-currencies. Because, in contrast to the recent reports about the intentions of the Saigon Parliament, HCM city City to make a Smart City, to explain.

With the intention of DLT in the city of Tomorrow, it is HCM city, however, is not alone. Like BTC-ECHO already reported, promotes, above all, China, the digital networking of the urban space by means of the Blockchain technology. The measures, which are part of China’s Blockchain Initiative, aiming to connect by 2020 100 cities to each other.


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