Buenos Aires: The Argentine capital is a block chain gets based ID System. Three companies will cooperate in this respect with the municipal administration in Buenos Aires. In the collaboration, the partners will develop a digital identity for its citizens, to provide them with, for example, access to financial services. The project is designed for four years and serves the inclusion of poorer and disadvantaged citizens.

From Polina Khubbeeva
On the 27. August 2019BTC$10.217,87 -0.78%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

In the Argentine capital Buenos Aires are able to draw the inhabitants soon on a Blockchain ID. As a statement of intent is clear, aim at three companies, therefore, the development of an appropriate system in the city. The companies involved in the NEC Argentina S. A., the civil organization DECODES (NGO Bitcoin Argentina), as well as IDB Lab, the innovation lab of the Inter-American Development Bank Group. are The term is for four years.

The new System is expected to improve in the future, “the access to quality goods and services for the citizens of Buenos Aires. This is done through a manageable, secure, transparent and self-digital identity, – stated in the press release of the agreement.

inclusion for the poorest citizens in Buenos Aires

Argentina’s capital, meanwhile, is known for the huge social divide for their residents. According to the municipal administration 16.2 percent of residents in Buenos Aires living under the poverty line. You have difficulties in the access to goods and services, because the barriers are higher for poorer citizens. An important factor here is the lack of information about the lower strata of society, which make it difficult for inclusion projects as a consequence. The inclusion of poorer citizens in the services and offers of the public calls means higher costs for the community.

To counteract this, make use of the cooperation partners, the technology of Bitcoin & co. by Using the Blockchain, the new System allows for future safe and reliable registrations of the residents information in Buenos Aires, without that this violates your privacy. Furthermore, the user can control their data themselves. Citizens without a Bank account can then take up financial services.

The Blockchain-inclusion project is planned initially for the Barrio 31. This is considered to be one of the poorest neighborhoods in Buenos Aires and one of the largest Slums in Argentina. Two more districts with a high proportion of socially disadvantaged residents will also benefit soon from the System.

meanwhile, the Blockchain ID-project in Buenos Aires is Far from being the first crypto-Innovation in Argentina. Thus, citizens can pay, for example, public transport with Bitcoin. The euphoria regarding the digital currency, even goes so far that there are Considerations to make Bitcoin the national currency in the country.


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