The US Air Force organizes itself in the future with the technological basis of Bitcoin: The Blockchain. In a collaboration with the technology company SIMBA Chain production process should be made more effective.

By Phillip Horch
On the 27. August 2019BTC$10.217,87 -0.78%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

U.S. Air Force relies on the Blockchain. Because the technology of crypto-currency Bitcoin is based on, is intended to make administrative processes more effective. Thus, it is very much more applicable than for the administration of currencies. Almost all of the areas, the Administration will need can be organized using the technology.

The recognized, is apparently the American air force. Because of the Arm of the United States, which provides, among other things, the plane, the President Trump transported, in the future, organize their supply chains by using the Blockchain technology. According to a press release shows, they get support from the technology company Simba Chain. Supply chains using the Blockchain technology to secure, offers more security:

a Long value-added chains are among the biggest safety problems in the manufacturing for the industry 4.0. This applies to all manufacturing areas, but in the case of military applications, particularly critical, in which enemy companies are trying to obtain critical data or to change,

it is, therefore, in the press release. The U.S. Air Force will rely on the technology that helped Bitcoin to the celebrity, to monitor manufacturing processes.

Bitcoin-technology-for Monitoring

The BASECAMP project (Blockchain Approach for Supply Chain Additive Manufacturing Parts) is to put on Simba Chain, a corresponding prototype, is to provide. The Blockchain-the company is built on Microsoft Azure, the Cloud Computing program of Microsoft.

BASECAMP is the US Air Force should get the option to repair war vehicles in the field and to store the associated data in a decentralized manner. 3-D printing processes are used, the data are particularly sensitive.

About Simba Chain and U.S. Air Force

Simba Chain exists since 2017 and received a promotion in order to develop a secure messaging service for the U.S. military. The Simba Chain provides a platform on which to develop, among other things, decentralized Blockchain applications (dApps). The platform supports Ethereum, Quorum, Stellar, and RSK.

The U.S. Air Force, however, is in use around the world. To include your equipment, fighter jets and transporters, mainly.


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