Matthias Henker has worked for over eleven years at SAP and advises banks in the implementation of new IT-infrastructures. In addition, he is an expert in block tech.Institutions. More and more often the question of how the Blockchain technology can be used in doing this. What is the Blockchain-projects are currently in focus in the case of SAP, if Facebook enters soon into the banking business and he how is the issue of scaling as a stumbling block in the Blockchain adaptation looks, betrayed us, Matthias Henkert in the Interview.

By Sven Wagenknecht
11. June 2019BTC$7.810,00 -1.39%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

BTC-ECHO: Many of the big Tech companies develop their own Blockchain solutions. How it looks in SAP, how your approach to this topic is?

Matthias Henkert: Basically, our strategy provides for the development of an own Blockchain. But we look around us, what’s on the market. In particular, Hyper Ledger Fabric, multi-chain and Quorum are in our focus. Hyper Ledger, I think much of it. Since we are an early stage in the process, and even a Premium Member. In the area of Enterprise block chains this is probably the most promising project. From the customer’s point of view, this is mixed completely through. We have looked at, among other things, Ripple. At the Moment, the focus is on Hyper Ledger.

BTC-ECHO: for obvious reasons, are the Blockchain solutions for enterprises, in principle, not to the public and permit free. You see, nevertheless approaches, in the public Blockchain solutions in banks can be used?

Matthias Henkert: That depends entirely on the concrete scenario. In the case of German banks for the privacy, for example, is a big issue. Public block chains, these companies have, accordingly, major problems. The focus is less on the possible payment transactions via the Blockchain, as more on the development of new business and cooperation models. Working in consortia is currently much more relevant, as Blockchains with their own crypto-currencies to develop for the purpose of payment processing.

BTC-ECHO: what is your assessment of the SWIFT Challenger to Ripple? How high is the interest of the banks here?

Matthias Henkert: Honestly, I don’t see Ripple currently used as a real Alternative. For banks, this is hardly an issue, simply because all of them are in the SWIFT System, and is currently the international Standard. Currently, the incentive for the majority of the banks, which is why Ripple only a Few of them will be tested is missing here.

BTC-ECHO: Now the heavyweights from Silicon Valley are urging more and more in the financial services sector. Facebook is currently working even on a own crypto-currency. Is the Blockchain technology, in your opinion, is a tool to make the traditional banks competition?

Matthias Henkert: For this you have to look at how banks earn money. Due to the low interest rate situation, the traditional banking business, barely making money. Banks earn mainly in banking your money. The interest rate situation, the Blockchain technology can change nothing. However, many financial service providers of new-Generation, slimmer and more cost-effective structures to create it.

in Respect of own means of payment in the Form of crypto currencies, I could imagine that Apple, Facebook and Amazon will be in the future, offer solutions. Personally, I find this very interesting. But Facebook does not do it out of altruism; it is rather a vehicle for their services to distribute and your customers to better use.

BTC-ECHO: private Blockchain solutions, the scale will not weigh problems as hard as, for example, in the case of Bitcoin and Ethereum. You see here still to large deficits with completely Central computer structures?

Matthias Henkert: scaling was no reason not to implement a Blockchain-solution. However, one must say that in terms of speed and capacity compared to classic databases loss. The Benefit of the others, weighs on the but basically.

Blockchain solutions such as Hyper Ledger based not on Mining but on a Syndicated Basis. Since you have relatively few participants compared to the public block chains. Therefore, the issue of scaling is not so much. It is more about information is safe to share, to achieve a very fast transaction speed.

when it comes to the cooperation of banks with each other, offer such a Blockchain solutions, huge benefits. In spite of different IT-infrastructures, exchange banks, and Assets to each other. As a result, new business models and/or mergers are conceivable that would not previously have been economically feasible. The possibility to generate additional data, is positive.

BTC-ECHO: The investment Bank J. P. Morgan has, with a Quorum, a separate Blockchain. More recently, she has also brought out its own crypto currency in the Form of a Stable Coins. A model for other institutions to emulate?

Matthias Henkert: I have not seen my customers so far, so still. The issue is still present. You often ask us in the case of tenders already how SAP can with crypto-currencies work around. For us, it is, in principle, no matter whether we pay with Bitcoin, Ether, or US dollars. I think it is, however, not useful, now, if every Bank starts their own Coin release. In the case of a cross-Bank, konsortialen crypto currency the look, however, was different.

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