The SEC is continuing their Cross against illegitimate ICOs, while Facebook has incorporated with CFTC discussions on the platform’s own crypto currency. However, the FBI will turn on in the investigation to the Bitcoin exchange QuadrigaCX. In Germany, there are attempts for a block chain-based asylum register. The Reglierungs-ECHO.

By Christopher clover
10. June 2019BTC$7.937,00 , 2.12%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail Facebook-Stable-Coin is taking shape: the group talks with stock market regulator

Facebook continues to work on its planned Stable Coin. According to reports, the Tech group is now in discussions with the U.S. securities and exchange Commission CFTC. Also, if these talks are, according to the CFTC in early stage – one thing is already for sure: The planned “GlobalCoin” – the working title of the Facebook currency – will not let the financial market unchanged.

Bitcoin-exchange-gone astray: FBI turns in QuadrigaCX-investigation in a

Still, there is, in the Case of QuadrigaCX a number of unsettled questions. Now, the American Federal police are investigating in the case of the former canadian Bitcoin exchange. The FBI is looking for concerned U.S. citizens. These are prompted for your contact with the stock exchange to the authorities to. After the sudden death of its founder, Gerry Cotten in January, QuadrigaCX is currently insolvent. Customer losses in the millions threaten.

Bitcoin – a threat to financial stability? The FSB expresses

6. In June a report to the decentralized financial technologies published. The Financial stability Board his evaluation of the crypto-currencies like Bitcoin & co., The international organization draws this conclusion about the impact of the Distributed Ledger technologies on international financial stability. In addition, the FSB is concerned that Bitcoin & co. could jeopardize the trust in the financial system. If that is not the horse from behind the cart before.

SEC strikes back: U.S. securities and exchange Commission sued KiK

The U.S. securities and exchange Commission SEC has a new notch on your stick, which you punishes unregistered ICOs. The SEC, on 4 has. June announces that she’s suing the crypto Start-up KiK. Accordingly, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) KiK have their Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in the amount of US $ 100 million performed illegally.

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Blockchain in the asylum procedure, the BAMF wins digitisation competition leg Blockchain project of the Federal office for Migration and refugees (BAMF) was as the winner in the 18th century. the e-Government competition announced. More transparency, more safety and, above all, a more rapid processing of the asylum procedures promise the supporters of the project. The decentralised storage of data offers in terms of the many in the asylum process, authorities and institutions involved, a large potential for optimization. Definitely a Use Case for DLT, you should keep in mind.


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