While many companies are working on a decentralized Open-Source Blockchain solutions, the Royal Bank of Canada, its planned Bitcoin to protect trading platform on patents.

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check to The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), even a crypto-trading platform, how to the Blog The Logic is reported. In addition, the Bank is also reviewing the possibility to allow your customers the opening of Bank accounts with Bitcoin & co. RBC was the first Bank in Canada to introduce a crypto currency exchange or accounts with digital currencies. The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), with more than 965 billion dollars in total assets, the largest Bank in Canada.

The RBC should be logged according to the report, in addition, four patents in Canada and the United States. In order for certain business processes by using crypto-currencies to be protected. RBC tried to do so with proprietary solutions to address what we want to develop many other Open-Source Blockchain initiatives, such as Hyper Ledger together.

RBC should have signed in the last three years, at least 27 of the block chain-related patents, including credit rating, vehicle registrations, digital rewards and credit offered.

How can Canada overcome its Blockchain-Trauma?

In Canada, there are currently only a few crypto-currency exchanges. As The Block is reported, will invest 51 percent of the Deloitte 2018 surveyed canadian companies are already in the Blockchain technology. According to a study by the Bank of Canada, only five per cent of the canadian Bitcoin have. Many Canadians seem to have Faith in the Blockchain-technology lost after the Bitcoin exchange QuadrigaCX went in January 2019 suddenly offline.

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As the reason for the Shutdown of the platform was initially the unexpected death of the founder, Gerry Cotten during a trip to India suspected. Cotten should have taken the first information according to the Private Keys for the Cold Storage of the stock exchange to the grave. In the course of the investigations came out, however, that these Wallets were empty. Cotten and his wife are said to have their luxurious life-change by using client funds to the crypto-exchange financed.

now, If a large Bank like the Royal Bank of Canada, a crypto-stock exchange building, could bring the sure loss of customer trust back. But can compete with a centralised, with patent-protected banks-Blockchain really with the decentralized, Open-Source solutions? Finally, the idea for the Blockchain was created to curtail the Power of banks and to end criminal activities in the money system.


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