the Also in Russia, the Blockchain technology is gaining increasing acceptance. The Russian natural Gas producer Gazprom has now developed a platform prototype on a Blockchain-based. The goal is to enable automated processing of contracts.

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, The Russian natural Gas producer Gazprom has published on its website a press release. In the published transcript of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the PAO Gazprom, Alexey Miller informed the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on Gazprom’s activities in the field of import substitution and the use of digital technologies. In the area of digitisation Miller is mainly due to the Blockchain technology. In particular, on the Benefits of Distributed Ledger technology in the area of Gas supplies and the design of Smart Contracts.

The Gazprom-Pilot-project

Together with Gazprombank currently the prototype is being developed for a technological platform. This provides for the automation of the processes for the completion, Monitoring and execution of contracts. The developed System, however, requires an automatic arbitration, and automatic settlement of the gas. Thanks to the Blockchain technology, the prototype developed should be protected against unauthorized access and unauthorized Modifications of data. If you Believe the testimony of Miller, could keep the new process in day-to-day business to enter. Initially, the new System will be available only for large consumers in the industry. In the future, the new technology should be available for all participants as available.

A step in the right direction?

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Medvedev emphasized to support the project of Gazprom and argues that the Blockchain technology in the Russian industry a great potential. Medvedev also explained that he is of the opinion that the Blockchain technology and its potential not to be understood in spite of the constant hype often.

Meanwhile, seems to play the Blockchain in the planning of the German energy industry is taking a larger and larger role. You cited, for example, the Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the German Association of energy and water industries (BDEW), Stefan Kapferer, the global Trend in the field of energy economy in the future for Blockchain technology. In an article In the BDEW in December 2018 Kapferer expressed the opinion that the energy sector will in the future distributed, networked and complex. The Blockchain technology can open up, in his opinion, more fields for innovations and new business models in the energy sector.

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