He insists that there is “ideological bias” in some judges and highlights the role of Justice in the articles that refer to the Penal Code


The spokesperson for Unidas Podemos in Congress, Pablo Echenique, has rejected the fact that the ‘Law of only yes is yes’ requires modifications and has stressed that the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, is defending, under “very difficult” conditions, all the work of the Government, including that of the Ministry of Justice, which played an important role in relation to the provisions referring to the Penal Code.

In this way, he stressed that when the head of Equality is being “attacked with such viciousness”, who has made progress for feminism, a “good strategy” and something “sensible” within the left is to wrap up “a the comrades”, as opposed to those who want to “stop political change”. What’s more, she has pointed out that Montero has said “the same thing” as the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, and that now we have to wait for the Supreme Court to unify doctrine.

In statements to the media in the halls of Congress after the Board of Spokespersons was held, Echenique stressed that the ‘only yes is yes’ Law has “no problem” but what happens is that there are certain judges who are applying an “ideological bias” on the part of certain judges when decreeing, with its entry into force, reductions in sentences for those convicted of rape or sexual assault.

“Nobody is saying that the Democratic Memory Law has to be reformed because a judge sequesters a seal on the PCE. Everyone understands that the judge takes an ideological bias when making this decision,” Echenique has spoken for, to Next, highlight that the ‘only yes is yes’ rule was endorsed by “numerous” State agencies, ten parliamentary groups and the coalition government as a whole.

In turn, Echenique has praised that Equality has given “all the pertinent explanations” and has singularly valued the criteria of the Provincial Court of La Rioja, which has knocked down 54 sentence reductions in application of the fifth transitory provision in force in the current Penal Code.

Consequently, Echenique has insisted that it is “evident” that there is an “ideological bias” of a macho component in some strata of the judiciary, of which the UN has alerted both Spain and the rest of the countries.

Therefore, he has opined that “it is time to thank” the Minister of Equality for having come before the media to defend the work of Justice and the rest (of departments) that have participated in the elaboration of this law”. “He speaks highly of the minister”, has sentenced.

And regarding this controversy, the leader of the purple formation has slipped that there are “many operators”, not only politicians, who have been “nervous for a long time” before the advance of feminism, as proof that since the beginning of the legislature there have been “very aggressive” reactions against the Ministry of Equality.

Finally, and regarding his comment on networks adding that in the face of the “hunt” against Montero it was “forced” to support her within the left, Echenique explained that it is a criterion that he has been saying for a long time to protect a political space that achieves improvements for the social majority, even if it involves touching “privileges”.

“When a person who has achieved such important advances is attacked with such viciousness, it is a good strategy to defend the comrades, because those who want to stop political change know that it is easier to go one by one, and if they find us together it is more difficult to stop the change”, has settled.