spend the night to think about it, you empty the pension pot, high-yield or non-existent will? Fortunately, there is a section with the money, to get you from a financial headache to help. This time, you are Building up enough pension?

as A convenient tool to answer this question, it is the site mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. However, have you ever, yourself, work, live in foreign countries or a private scheme to be fixed for your retirement, then you are much less likely to. So, here you are, in fact, no settlement, the pension that you have accrued in a foreign country and certainly have no investments or savings.

How do you know whether or not you have enough retirement opzijzet? Take a look, first of all, to the estimated future charges rather than on how much you monthly savings.

“if you have to ask is how your life is going to look like – do you want to have fun or be boring, can they?”

– Jan Zwiers, pension

“If you’re going to have to go to Thailand to emigrate to america, then you are running costs, for example, will be lower. Most probably, you will lower payments by using a repaid mortgage loan, or, perhaps, it will be much more expensive to live in,” says pension-Jan Zwiers. “If you can imagine what your life would look like – if you want it to be fun or boring to do? From there, look to see how much you will need each month.”

will You have future costs and benefits can be better, and without inflation, to calculate the purchasing power parity, as of now. For example, the amount on mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl in the other, it is the purpose of a pension fund in order to keep pace with the rate of inflation (known as indexation).

as An example: you will see the mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl that the monthly payments of 800 euros AOW pension you will get is about 25 years old. In fact, that dollar amount by the inflation rate at that time is higher, but the purchasing power of about 800 euros by the year 2020.
Diamond ornaments to make your retirement fund
then Look at what you’ve built. Add up all the containers with each other. The most obvious are the state pension, and the pension built up through employer. The sum of the two jars you see on the mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl ” My retirement will soon be the net amount is what you need. This will add up to the estimated monthly withdrawals from the annuity or other pension, if you have something like that arranged.

you May have in the future, also have money in savings, mutual funds, or diamond jewelry that you would like to use for your retirement fund.

“and Then you will have to deal with things such as inflation, changes in value and tax, is in box 3. For most people, such a calculation does not actually have to do it,” says the financial planner will Brighten up Kroonbergs. She says that it’s best to have someone you can turn to, to rely on.

you can Calculate it with a grain of salt

for example, If you want to calculate, estimate your, first, in how many months you must travel after your retirement date. Then, cover your estimated net worth (that is, estimate is, therefore, very difficult to make all of your future savings, investments, and jewelry in about two months – with the buying power of the moment. This will give you an sum that you are with a large grain of salt are added to the top of your retirement pension: the state pension and a pension through work.

for example, If you are in the foreign country you lived in, or worked with count you a pension that you have accrued. Now you can check if you have enough money to opzijzet for all of your upcoming expenses, as a pensioner, to cover, or that you might your savings plan needs to be adapted.

Call, you have to Have an urgent money demand that you keep on worrying? Please send it to gea.bruinsma@nu.nl