The company Teralco Group, from the Science Park of the Miguel Hernández University (PCUMH) in Elche, and the rapper Guillermo Rodríguez, better known as Arkano, have collaborated in the development of the free ‘app’ ‘Happyou’, which aims to meet better oneself and develop the emotional and behavioral part of people.

This application is designed to be an essential tool in the lives of users seeking to advance their personal development, as indicated by the academic institution in a statement.

‘Happyou’ is based on an intuitive interface with which to create posts with text, image, audio or video that only the user can see. It also allows a person’s state of mind to be recorded in order to “draw a well-being curve that will give the user information about their behavior.”

The director of Innovation at Teralco Group, Ernesto Espinosa, has highlighted that this ‘app’ “helps to get to know oneself better and develop the emotional and behavioral part of people”. “It is a product that goes 100% with the DNA of the Teralco Group: to contribute to people, companies and the environment”, he has illustrated.

The application, developed by Teralco Group, was born at the initiative of Arkano. The artist from Alicante, who was international champion in 2015 of the ‘Red Bull Batalla de Gallos’ and has worked with singers such as Alejandro Sanz, Melendi or the Love of Lesbian group, has recently made public that in his childhood he was a victim of bullying.

With this ‘app’, focused on mental health, the aim is to help users get to know themselves better and help them understand their daily behavior. For the development of this app, a team of psychologists from Conducteam has participated.

“They contributed their scientific knowledge to convert ‘Happyou’ into a psychological assessment tool based on the functional analysis of behavior,” Espinosa said.

The application provides valuable information to the user so that he can help him in the future. It also offers you psychoeducational advice to improve in your day to day.