Japan’s financial authority FSA criticises Fisco. With Fisco, it is the operator of Bitcoin stock exchange Zaif, which was in September 2018 target of a Hacking attack. In a report, the talk is of a lack of regulatory Compliance.

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The Japanese financial regulator, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) holds Fiscos Compliance with respect to Anti-money laundering measures and the protection of investors is insufficient. As a result, the authority has published a policy paper in which the FSA is raising strong allegations against the stock exchange operator.

So the talk of lack of Compliance mechanisms is to prevent, for this reason, both terrorism financing and money laundering can hardly be.

In the portion In the user identity information to enter, you can also select the heading “other”. Then you need to be neither professional nor identity,

it is said in the report.

Furthermore, it encourages the Fisco GmbH, to implement a package of measures consisting of twelve recommendations. Among other things, the speech is by an Audit System.

Fisco in the crosshairs of the authorities

Japan’s authorities to look at Bitcoin exchanges in a little more detail, however, it is not a coincidence. Only in September 2018 Zaif was the target of an attack. Hackers managed to steal 5.966 Bitcoin to the value of at the time, 59 million US dollars from the Wallets of the stock exchange.

in Order to save a lost customer funds, jumped in at that time, the Fisco Digital Assets Group as the main shareholder, and hand-made up-in short, all Damaged. Now must be to please the company, accusations of lack of professionalism by the FSA.

The message comes after the FSA had already been carried out in April, searches for two Japanese Bitcoin exchanges, including Fisco,. We reported on it.

Zaif Hack is not detected yet

After hackers stole in addition to Bitcoin also Bitcoin Cash, and the micro-currency MonaCoin, were the investigators in November, on a hot track. By had operated MonaCoin Full Nodes, identified transactions that may indicate due to their height on the thieves.

As we reported, the track to Europe. An IP address should even come from Germany.

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