the Chairman of The Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank (ECB), Andrea Enria on Wednesday, may 2. October, which prompted authorities in Malta to monitor their banks more stringent. Since the closure of the Maltese Bank of Pilate and the arrest of its leaders in the past year, the authorities of Malta under special observation. The ECB chief overseer shows himself confident, however, that the island state is failing to fulfil the requirements.

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The Chairman of the ECB Supervisory Board Andrea Enria criticizes the methods of the Maltese authorities to control the financial transactions of their banks. Enrias objection follows the sharp criticism that emerges from the two weeks ago, a report published by Moneyval. In it, the Committee of experts of the Council of Europe to combat Financial crimes has condemned Malta for failure to adequately combat financial crime and the authorities asked for measures to combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism are increasingly applied.

pressure on Malta increases

again and again, the small island state is at the centre of corruption and money laundering scandals. In the past year, the ECB, the Maltese has withdrawn from banking Pilate the license. Earlier, the head of the Bank, Ali Sadr Hashemi Nedschad was Laundry, in the United States because of money and fraud accused allegations. The former President of the Bank, in the context of the corruption scandals that have in addition to the planning involved in US sanctions against Iran to overturn it. Since the Maltese authorities do not deal with the case carefully enough, the European Commission launched disciplinary proceedings against the authorities: The pressure on Malta is on the rise.

Moneyval criticized that the authorities did not vehemently enough against illegal financial transactions and money laundering in the Online gambling approach. According to the organization’s investigation would be hampered by “limited human and financial resources”. The Maltese police would be able to “cases, in connection with financial, bribery and corruption offences”, not to effectively investigate and prosecute. Malta had to wash his efforts to the investigation and prosecution of money as well as its control mechanisms expand.

Andrea Enria since the beginning of this year, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the ECB. He calls for stricter supervision and control mechanisms in Malta for the banks. In spite of the scandal of the island state tries to establish itself as an international hub for financial technology, and the “Blockchain Island”. According to Enria, Malta needs to “non-financial risks, such as behavior, Compliance, reputational and IT risks more stringent and consistent monitoring”. This was “particularly in view of Malta’s leading role in the Blockchain and cryptographic technologies” to be of high relevance, so Enria. However, he was “confident that the Maltese authorities will be able to achieve the desired results”.


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