We, signatories of this article are all of the people interviewed in a recent report on Sweden’s attractiveness as a research nation. When we take note of the report will be turned, we are, of how we think, is clearly universal, as the fundamentals for creating a successful research environment is like. Therefore, we would like to point out a few of the obstacles that need to be overcome in order for Sweden to be able to make it a more attractive option for the brightest minds in the world.
1 , Provide additional space for the cutting edge. , it is Possible to combine the excellenskultur, and the expertise that we’re seeing there, as in Singapore, or in other locations in the front edge of the rekryteringskultur that characterizes the university?
this is Our short answer is ‘no’. There is a built-in, as well as domestic successionsfilosofi, combined with a low level of ambition of the Swedish universities and higher education institutions need to be challenged.
these are some of the concrete steps.
to Give the principal more power.
the Issue is a sensitive one in Sweden, but they shouldn’t be there. It is described as a way to take the power away from the researchers, but it should be looked at as a way to strengthen the field of research. It is described as the beginning of the current school principals, however, should be seen as a way to enhance the rektorsämbetet.
If the principal has more power, more resources to central, would be the responsibility of the academic strategy should be clarified at the appropriate level. Then we can make demands of this president to initiate strategic recruitment processes, which supports national and international excellence with innovation that matches the speed of scientific progress. This is where we can learn from Switzerland, and Sweden are in many ways comparable to the state. They have a very, very sharp-pointed research, international recruitment, which resulted in two universities at the cutting världsklassen, the ETH in Zurich and EPFL in Lausanne.
the Problem for Sweden is not that the country is taking a nosedive in the forskningshänseende. The problem is that the degradation takes place in small steps and in through the back door. It’s getting worse and worse, as the process continues over a longer period of time, without any counter forces are set up.
a Move from tradition to innovation.
The aim of the Swedish universities and university colleges are in many cases the scientific continuity, rather than innovation. The professor, who is on the verge of retiring, is first and foremost interested in their own area of research should be continued to be in the center of the city. This is achieved by making sure that the one that is already available in the department is allowed to take over, such as, for example, a young colleague of mine, who might even have been the professor’s student. The Tradition has become more important than innovation. This is not creating environments that are attractive to international scientists from around the world who are passionate about their work. No one is attracted by a scheme which is to support the local heroes.
Focus in the research. , A better model must be created in order to encourage excellence in the field of research. In a field where the only world class is good enough, the resources will also be concentrated, to the best of the best to the researchers, and is distributed much more selectively. There are currently too many of the researchers in the system. Therefore, the photo, the funds will also be put on to work). One problem with the current system is also that the universities found themselves in a situation in which there are no unrestricted funds available. Everything is basically locked in, in a variety of projects.
This means that every time they do something new that requires new resources. Distribution is next to impossible in a multi-system. This has led to a situation in which politicians are looking to the universities to which kravmaskiner always wanting more, never enough. And in a situation in which the universities are not able to concentrate the efforts of the main projects, even if they want to. It’s been 20 years since the forskningsfinansieringssystemet the reform in Sweden. It is, now would be a good time to do a full review in order to find a model that better rewards the best and most forward-looking research.
2 , Increase the näringslivssamarbetet. , an International team of scientists are taken by the Swedish engineering industry. Astra Zeneca, Atlas Copco, Electrolux, Ericsson, Saab, Sandvik, Now. Note that, in a country with 11 million inhabitants, as in many research-intensive companies with an international profile. The universities have their delights, but not generally to the same high international status.
From an international point of view it looks strange that it is not developed in a larger scope. Two things are instructive in this context:
Cooperation in the AI research community has been successful. , While the universities, for many years, has failed to create a qualified, internationally high-level research, and the recruitment of the highly expanding research field of artificial intelligence (AI) and so they did, the wallenberg foundation (KAW) with this one. For a pro-active initiative of the KAW has attracted a number of internationally leading researchers in this hot field of research in Sweden. Where the university had been unsuccessful and so they did, this is a private initiative, and the näringslivsengagemang, to save the situation.
the college recruitment at the university had been working well, should be there for a number of years ago, have been realized with the tremendous surge in the AI, and have begun to recruit strategically at the time. The Tradition must have been passed prior to the renewal of the. But it shows, at the same time, the universities in the uk – if they are a bit challenged – are able to act strategically and in concert with the business community.
Wrong approach to controlled research. has become a sort of axiom, that the business community is funding the return of ordered results, while the state protects the freedom of scientific research. However, this is not the case. Anyone who spends money on research, has any ulterior motive. Look at the state of the so-called strategic investments. What is that if not controlled, the research, which the government expects to be able to förutskicka of scientific discovery? At the same time, invests in Swedish companies in the basic material (Sandvik), and biology (Astra Zeneca).
the Research, and the funding may not always be in black and white. When it comes to the business world deals with the problem of what is selected than what will generate private funding. To take the clinical research of the industry you are operating with a sharper commercial focus. The second major area of research in this area will not continue in the future to be a priority. The reality is, it is important that government funding agencies are aware of this. However, this is not an argument to say ‘ no ‘ to cooperation, in the areas in which it can be beneficial to both academia and industry.
it is not that the country is taking a nosedive in the forskningshänseende. The problem is that the degradation takes place in small steps and in through the back door. It is, in a way, it’s worse, because the process continues for a longer period of time, without any counter forces are set up. We will get used to it gradually on the decline. Let’s put a stop to it.