as Of Friday, the end of the UN climate conference in Madrid, spain. The united nations secretary-general, Mr antonio Guterres hopes to raise the aspirations of a number of countries have unfortunately not yet reached.

the Lack of political leadership in the global climate change debate can be seen, all of the unwanted transparency. On the bright side, however, is that the EU seems to want to take the lead in this political vacuum. The EUROPEAN union commission’s chair, Ursula von der Leyen would like to be the first carbon neutral continent by the year 2050 and the promise of big klimatinvesteringar over the next decade into a ‘European green deal’, with a focus on innovation and technology to increase prosperity and competitiveness of the sector by fossilfrihet. Sweden has already taken this approach in the course of the 13 maps that have so far taken up in the zero carbon Sweden, in a step towards realising the government’s vision is for Sweden to become the world’s first fossil-fuel-free välfärdsland.

the zero carbon Sweden.

a road map for a fossil-fuel-free competitive edge with a focus on passenger cars.

the Automotive industry is seeking by means of the development of a process for improved collaboration across the value chain and to reach out to the parliament and the government for greater co-operation in order to Sweden to meet the national climate target of a 70 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from domestic transport to 2030, compared to 2010.

as For the technology, and the solutions are already there. Today, just over 20 per cent of all the fuel that is to be filled up, at our petrol stations across the country, fossil-fuel-free. And the fact that the reduktionsplikten, which, by the law of the force, increasing the amount of fuel used is being tightened, will emissions be reduced at the same time, it provides a strong incentive to invest in bio-refineries using domestic raw materials from agricultural sources and side streams of pulp and paper industry.

plug-in Hybrids will be popular in the coming period, but by 2025, the pure electric car to run on. The production and sales of plug-in hybrids are seen as a more temporary solution, in order to cope with the EU requirements for vehicles up to 2021.

at the same time, the EU’s regulation of the carbon dioxide emissions per kilometer is a quite critical instrument for the reduction of emissions in transport with the use of more energy-efficient solutions. In Sweden, the carbon dioxide emissions from new passenger cars decreased by 19% per mile compared to 2010. Now, the EU requirements will reduce by a further 37.5% by 2030. Such a high level of ambition requires a comprehensive electrification of the vehicle.

most of The major car manufacturers investing in the day, a lot of effort into developing payment vehicles. Already by 2020, 200 new models available in the market at the same time as the prices drop and range increases. Plug-in hybrids will be popular in the coming period, but by 2025, the pure electric car to run on. The production and sales of plug-in hybrids are seen as a more temporary solution, in order to cope with the EU requirements for vehicles up to 2021 and, in particular, by the year 2025, however, that the selling of cars, two power plants are very expensive, both in terms of purchase and maintenance as compared to a fully electrified vehicle.

the Electrification is the main focus of attack for a new car, but it’s far from the only thing that will happen. More and more diesel vehicles, which are already rolling on the roads of the approval is now also used to run on pure bio-diesel (HVO100), and even bio-gas, hydrogen fuel, ethanol, is the fuel that helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Reduktionsplikten will ensure that the biofuel is mixed in all fuels.

the Car in Sweden, will work with 80 per cent of all new cars sold is a payment by 2030. This implies that the laddinfrastrukturen is being built, we will get the instruments in place that promote the development as well as the skattesubventionerade laddbilar, which is sold in Sweden and not, as is often the case today, to be exported, but remain in the country.

If the reduktionsplikten screwed up on the way, the Swedish energy agency proposes that it may, together with the technology of the cars, to create favorable conditions in order to achieve the climate target for domestic transport to 2030. However, this equation is possible only if the political conditions are in place.

Our call to the government to implement the following measures in order to facilitate the fordonsbranschens contribution to achieving the climate change targets.

1 on the Infrastructure. Works out of the vägel, performance and impact in line with the roll-out of the vehicle, and to provide the Swedish energy agency to co-ordinate the deployment of private and public charging. The support is in the form of a Klimatklivet and Charging at home are further important in order to keep the momentum going.


it should also affect the EUROPEAN union. in order to increase the share of biofuels should be counted as personbilstillverkarna to meet the EU’s requirements on the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions per kilometre. Today, the use of bio-fuels, no contribution to meeting the EU’s stringent requirements.

3 , Instruments for purchase and use. to Prevent the export of klimatbonusbilar to other countries, the bonus must be refunded if the vehicle is to be exported to other countries. Learn about Norway and to provide an incentive to use the cleanest vehicles. In the face miljödifferentierade congestion charges and bridge and parking fees for the klimatbonusbilar.


tax reform for the road.

Toggle the visibility of the taxes, fees and charges that we have today in vehicles, the smart tax based on distance driven, which may vary with time, place and vehicle characteristics, which is a much more accurate system in which, for example, rural and forest roads, may have a lower overall tax than in the day.

the Automotive industry itself is going to be working on that vehicle, in order to meet the rapid growth in demand. Furthermore, the industry will be to develop a energismartmärkning of the cars, in the case of the energy labelling directive, which, for example, on white goods. The industry is also working on a massive training program, in order to ensure the expertise in electric drive trains, which are needed in order to cope with the transition.

This is a huge challenge, but properly handled, can the EUROPEAN union become a leader in the automotive industry producing electric vehicles, with more durable batteries. Sweden are in a unique position to support the EU strategy, with the help of our fordonsföretag and, soon, large-scale batteriproduktion.

in Sweden, the world’s first fossil-fuel-free välfärdsland, and a permanent world’s fair for the eco-friendly technology. It is the opportunity to make the most of the global emissions.
