The Universitat de València (UV) participates as a member of the Coalesce project team (Coordinated Opportunities for Advanced Leadership and Engagement in Science Communication in Europe), whose main objective is the creation of a European Competence Center for Scientific Communication.

The initiative is funded with three million euros by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme.

Led by the ScienceFlows team of the Polibienestar Institute, in collaboration with the Observatory of the Two Cultures and the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia, this consortium will work to consolidate, develop and disseminate knowledge and connections in the field of scientific communication in recent decades. The result will be the creation of a European Competence Center that will boost scientific communication throughout Europe.

The members of the UV already held their first meeting last June and are collaborating on different initiatives and activities related to the project, the academic institution indicates in a statement.

The Coalesce consortium, under the coordination of Erasmus University Rotterdam, is made up of a diverse group of partners, including universities and SMEs committed to promoting scientific communication in Europe. This project will operate in close collaboration with scientific and journalistic networks, as well as university alliances, to achieve a measurable and sustainable long-term impact.

The principal researcher of Coalesce at the UV, Carolina Moreno, states that “one of the most notable aspects of Coalesce is its interdisciplinary approach, which will allow the rapid mobilization of effective scientific communication in times of crisis, fighting against misinformation and promoting trust in science.”

It also explains that an accessible library of online resources, tools, manuals and training opportunities for R D i actors will be made available to the public.

This project represents the effort made by an experienced, knowledgeable and well-connected consortium in the field of scientific communication.

Coalesce builds on existing forms of excellence in science communication, public engagement and co-creation practices developed from previous joint efforts. In addition, Moreno highlights, “it will help strengthen connections between academic researchers and professionals who represent the latest trends in scientific communication in Europe.”

Ultimately, Coalesce will integrate universities and SMEs, connect participation methodologies and journalistic practices with new channels for scientific communication and work closely with the agendas of national scientific bodies. This project is supported by reference networks in scientific communication and existing university alliances such as the Forthem Alliance of European universities.

The University of Valencia is the only Spanish public research organization that is part of this European consortium, together with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and Science for Change, who will work together in the development of initiatives carried out in Spain.

Next week the first Coalesce co-creation workshop will be held at the 2023 Congress of Social Communication of Science, which will take place in Granada.

The project has been financed with a financial allocation of three million euros through the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program of the European Union, under grant agreement no. 101095230.