The vice president of the Russian Security Council says that aid to kyiv is a “toxic” issue in the US


The former Russian president and current vice president of the Security Council, Dimitri Medvedev, said this Friday that the United States “will sooner or later abandon” Ukraine and has affirmed that the issue of the delivery of aid to kyiv is a “toxic” issue in the North American country.

“The United States has always abandoned its friends. It will do so sooner or later this time,” Medvedev said in a message on his Telegram account, before noting that “(American) congressmen are asking where all the huge amount went of money (given to Ukraine)”.

“Where will the tens of billions claimed by that strange old man who is (US President Joe) Biden, who was aptly described as the Vice President of Ukraine on Capitol Hill, go?” the former Russian president has wondered.

Thus, Medvedev has pointed out that “the Republicans are stronger after the elections and they are driving a wave against the Republicans, who are fighting.” “There is no illusion that a lot of money will go into the militarization of the Ukrainian regime, as this is an integral part of the Russophobic consensus among US political elites,” he explained.

However, he has pointed out that “this will become more and more difficult” because “the feelings of ordinary Americans will gradually change towards reality.” “They have been deceived again. In a period of recession and rising prices of everything, huge funds were sent from the US Budget in an unknown direction for the benefit of the military-industrial complex,” she denounced.

The former Russian president has argued that the objective was to “benefit the interests of the Biden family” and “thieves in the United States and other parts of the world.” “This effect will accumulate as long as the (US) Congress does not suspend its reckless support for the nationalist regime in Ukraine,” he defended.

“That’s where come the remnants of reality and the tearful tantrums of the clowns in kyiv, wiping their noses and frantically calling for more and more sanctions against Russia and more Western money for war. Only that can prolong their sweet agony of drugs”, has settled.