The Government of Nicaragua has withdrawn the legal status of the Superior Council of Private Enterprise (Cosep), the main representation of business employers in the Central American country, alleging alleged irregularities of an administrative nature.

The measure affects Cosep and all the chambers that are part of this organization, which was already in the crosshairs of the Ortega regime. In fact, several of those responsible were part of the group of political prisoners exiled to the United States in February and stripped of their nationality, reports the newspaper ‘La Prensa’.

The Ministry of the Interior has alleged that the organizations have not completed a registration validation process, in application of a controversial law that limits the activity of NGOs in Nicaragua and that has already served as an instrument for the closure of hundreds of organizations.

These types of measures have increased as a result of the 2018 opposition protests and the 2020 electoral process, when dozens of dissidents were imprisoned. Last week, a group of United Nations experts accused Ortega and his wife and vice president, Rosario Murillo, of perpetrating abuses amounting to crimes against humanity.