The French National Assembly has rejected this Monday a new motion of censure presented by France Unsubmissive (LFI), the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, against the Government for the Social Security budget project for 2023.

“The motion of censure not being approved, the fourth part and the entire social security financing bill for 2023 are considered approved in a new reading,” said the president of the French National Assembly, Yael Braun-Pivet, according to the official Twitter profile of the organization.

The motion, supported by 93 parliamentarians, was presented by Mathilde Panot, from the French left-wing party, after French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne once again activated article 49.3 of the Constitution on Friday to approve a budget text without a vote. .

The New Ecological and Social Popular Union (Nupes) has assured this Monday in a statement that the French Government has used this resource up to six times in less than a month. “We will never get used to these authoritarian methods,” he said.

For his part, Borne indicated, in the framework of the vote, that the LFI’s “maneuvers” “contribute nothing to democracy.” “” Social Security and the health of our fellow citizens deserve better than postures and excesses “, she specified, according to the official Twitter account of the French parliamentarian channel.

The main opposition groups, La Francia Insumisa, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and Agrupación Nacional, led by Marine Le Pen, have been the promoters of various motions of censure in recent weeks that, for the moment, have not obtained the necessary votes to be approved.