It asks the international community to “reject agreements with a government determined to commit international crimes”


The Palestinian government has criticized the “political lines” of the new Executive in Israel and has stated that they are “annexationist, violent, racist and incitement to ethnic cleansing”, after Benjamin Netanyahu took office as prime minister at the head of a coalition that integrates several far-right and ultra-orthodox parties.

“The State of Palestine considers this agenda an existential threat to the Palestinian people and their inalienable and inviolable rights,” the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, stressing that “the international community must assume its responsibilities and reject any agreement with a government determined to commit international crimes, including annexation, political persecution and racial discrimination”.

Thus, he has stressed that “the coalition of racists and outspoken deniers is adopting without any regret an agenda of colonial expansion, racial discrimination and apartheid, while demonstrating its total disdain for the international community, International Law, United Nations resolutions and the international consensus for peace”.

“States must not give credentials or legitimacy to this deplorable platform of government, which is antithetical to the values ??and political principles of the international order based on laws and the principles of self-determination, territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence” , has explained.

For this reason, he stressed that “international peace and security are under attack” and added that this “requires rapid and unequivocal international mobilization at the bilateral and multilateral level, including the (UN) Security Council”.

“Urgently, the international community must ensure the protection of the Palestinian people from Israel’s campaign of dispossession and displacement, colonization and annexation, ethnic cleansing and persecution,” the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said.

“States have long used their political power to shield Israel from any accountability and to ensure that its exceptional treatment as a state above the law must end in order to put an end to this reckless policy of direct or indirect complicity in Israeli crimes. “, he argued.

Along these lines, he stressed that “the Palestinian people will not decline their correct search for freedom and self-determination” and added that “the Palestinian people will not be deterred when it comes to achieving their rights, despite these criminal policies and the conduct of the colonizer”.

“Obtaining our inalienable human rights, including our legitimate right to exist and live in our homeland, are non-negotiable. The realization of these rights are binding obligations of all states. Any derogation from these obligations is simply inexcusable,” he stressed.

Netanyahu took office on Thursday, returning to power after just over a year and a half in opposition. The Likud-led coalition is made up of various ultra-Orthodox and far-right parties, raising concerns about increased social polarization and a possible full-scale conflict with the Palestinians.

In fact, Netanyahu affirmed on Wednesday in a series of messages on his account on the social network Twitter that “the Jewish people have the exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas in the Land of Israel” and announced that he will promote the expansion of the settlements in West Bank, illegal under international law.

Parliament has also approved a controversial amendment to the Basic Law to create a no-government directive appointment mechanism to allow the leader of far-right Religious Zionism, Bezalel Smotrich, to hold a position in the Ministry of Defense with jurisdiction over settlement construction. .

On the other hand, the Knesset approved a controversial law to grant the leader of the far-right Otzma Yehudi, Itamar Ben Gvir, broad powers over the Police. Thus, he puts Ben Gvir, the new Minister of National Security, at the head of the force on behalf of the Executive.

Ben Gvir himself, accused in the past of inciting violence and stoking tensions with the Palestinians, told Israeli public broadcaster Kan on Thursday that he plans to continue making visits to the Mosque Esplanade, something that has generated tensions. with the Palestinians in the past.

The far-right leader stressed that “obviously” he will continue to visit the place, known to Jews as the Temple Mount, while reiterating his rejection of the ‘status quo’ agreed on in the Esplanade of the Mosques, which prohibits Jews from praying in the area. , according to the newspaper ‘The Times of Israel’.