The Romanian Justice has ordered this Friday, after several hours of hearings and deliberations, that the former boxer and ‘streamer’ Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan remain in preventive prison for a period of 30 days.

This decision, approved by a court in the capital, Bucharest, can however be appealed by Andrew and Tristan Tate, who now have a period of 48 hours to present their claim, according to the Romanian newspaper ‘Libertatea’.

The Romanian Police detained the Tate brothers during the early hours of Thursday to Friday in the framework of an investigation for their alleged participation in a criminal organization dedicated to human trafficking and rape.

The Romanian Prosecutor’s Office accuses both brothers of having formed an organized criminal group with which they recruited, housed and forced women to create materials with pornographic content for later distribution, according to Romania TV.

With these activities, Andrew and Tristan would have obtained large sums of money with which they would have bought houses, luxury cars and would have also invested in cryptocurrencies.

The arrest took place after the ex-boxer posted a video on social networks and in which he responded to a mockery of the young environmentalist Greta Thunberg, all of it eating pizza from a popular Romanian pizzeria chain.

The appearance of the pizza box in the video made it clear that Tate was in Romanian territory, which allowed the authorities of the European country to speed up the case and finally break into the place where the well-known ‘streamer’ was staying. , ultra-conservative ideology and skeptic of climate change.