Tens of thousands of people demonstrate in Sudan against the head of the Army and president of the Sovereign Transition Council, Abdelfatá al Burhan, after the signing of the agreement with the civil coalition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) to put an end to the crisis derived from the coup in October.

The concentrations have been registered in the capital, Khartoum, but also in Atbara, Gadarif, Al Geneina and Madani, where thousands of people have demanded that the Army abandon power and return to the barracks. These groups have been dispersed by the Police with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets, according to Radio France International.

The FFC is part of the opposition of the Transitional Government and is one of the main groups that were behind the demonstrations that ended with the departure from power in 2019 of the then president, Omar Hasan al Bashir.

This week they announced the signing of a “framework agreement” within ten days to solve the crisis, however, the protesters from the Resistance Committees assure that this does not solve the political impasse and they wonder at what price the coalition, according to the same source.

“The ‘framework agreement’ includes all the necessary mechanisms to put an end to the coup and establish a democratic civil authority,” he said, before assuring that this agreement “will be signed in ten days” and adding that “the second phase involves the development of the agreement with the participation of a broad sector of the public and the revolutionary forces,” they said at the press conference.

Al Burhan led a new coup in October 2021 that overthrew the transitional prime minister, Abdalá Hamdok, appointed after an agreement between the previous military junta, which emerged after the 2019 coup against Al Bashir, and various civil and opposition political formations.