The Blockchain platform MADANA wants to create an Ecosystem in which users of networks in the possession of their own data, and from this can benefit. The Berlin-based Start-up is already Patent Pending, and is currently on the grant of the patent, to secure to its business model. For the first Token Sale on the Lisk-Blockchain, everything is being prepared.

last December, we spoke for the first Time with the business leaders of the Berlin Blockchain Start-ups MADANA, Christian Young and Dieter school. At that time, you showed us your Vision for the MADANA-Ecosystem, to realize a project, the market for data decently and to make it fairer. In the future, it should be private individuals and SMEs is possible, even in the data market and to be able to their own data independently, and also action manage.

The Token Sale of the PAX

A large role in this Ecosystem is also to play the MADANA-Token PAX. In the Form of PAX by the users of the platform to be rewarded for the provision of their data. As in February in the Wake of the rebranding of Lisk was announced, PAX is run on a Sidechain, the Lisk-Blockchain. MADANA is the first project to use the opportunity of the Lisk-Sidechain-Development-Kit.

Now it is finally so far: The PAX-ICO stands in front of the door. On 01. September starts with the Presale, the output of the MADANA-Tokens. The ICO will be carried out in accordance with German law and therefore complies with the requirements of the BaFin. From the output of the MADANA-ICOs depends on whether or not the first side project of the Lisk platform, it will have success.

“Also, under German law, the ICOs are possible”

on the Occasion of the forthcoming ICO-launch, we spoke with MADANA-CEO Christian Young:

“Our PAX Token is based on the Lisk-Sidechain technology, which is characterized by a high scalability. Therefore, chances are good that in the near future, many Blockchain projects Lisk. MADANA is the first major ICO on Lisk and provides future projects with more added value and a new business model.

MADANA is also a pioneer of German Blockchain Startups, because we carry out our ICO completely under German law. We are one of the First who have managed to comply with the legal conditions in Germany. As in Germany, many topics are legally still not cleared, we had to conduct numerous discussions with lawyers and legal experts, to come to this prior to. We want to build MADANA to a long-term successful German company and are of the Belief that the BaFin requirements convey additional trust and credibility. In addition, we have to put up with the ICO in Germany – also under German law, ICOs are!

MADANA will use for the data analysis, so-called Trusted Execution Environments (TEE). The protected Hardware modules, the processing can not be viewed from the outside. With our patented process we have discovered a new way how data is protected but still useful, can be used. This allows us a unique platform for data analysis of all participants can benefit.“

For more information about MADANA-project and the formalities of the ICOs was also a reading of the White Papers, as well as a visit to the new MADANA-website recommended. Look also our Video Interview with Christian Young.