Coinmarketcap announces improved Listing criteria. Thus, the most important price index for the crypto currencies react like Bitcoin, with critical voices, who had been accused of Coinmarketcap, a distortion of the Rankings.

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finds The criticism that the observers had been voiced recently to Coinmarketcap, a reverberation. Because, as the company on the 30. August, announced, in a communication, revised Coinmarketcap its Ranking metrics. The course Website is responding to the problems which have arisen in the course of the transition to the new Listing methodologies. Finally, individual cryptographic values have fallen by up to 1,000 jobs within the Rankings after the company had restated the criteria.

Due to the segmentation logic of this Change, some crypto-Assets that do not meet the criteria, fell more sharply than intended. In the extreme case, a crypto-Asset fell by 1,000 ranks,

it is said in the press release of 30. August.

as of today, Monday, Coinmarketcap want to implement a once again revised methodology to ensure a fair representation of all crypto-Assets.

the devil is in The Detail

in June of this year, the company had announced that in terms of market capitalisation and volume are only guaranteeing the purity of wine. Finally, had been criticized in the run-up to that Coinmarketcap at the time of playback of the trading volume and market capitalization on the incorrectly presented Figures. The discrepancies were sometimes enormous. Compared with the competition service open marketcap, the claims to the actual trade reflects volume, reveal, therefore, differences of up to 90 percent. In other words: Coinmarketcap is not regarded as a reliable Medium that could draw in terms of volumes an accurate picture of the Status quo.

In terms of volume could not deliver Coinmarketcap, however, in the course of the transition. And so, one announces in the latest message, while the soon to be held in so-called “DATA roundtable” solutions to the problem rings.

presented As already during our first DATA roundtables, we will publish new liquidity-based key figures, to take account of the current concerns regarding excessive volumes of invoice. […] We recognize the limitations of using volume as a measure. We are actively working to improve the conditions of competition with the liquidity-based key performance indicators.

This “liquidity-based measures”, such as Coinmarketcap, the new approach has baptized, to on 12. November of this year, go to the Start. Among other things, the company wants to give the volume of this in a fair, objective and not subject to appeal again.

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