the ruins of The Soviet industry in Siberia Bitcoin Miner in drag. The cold climate and low energy prices are the ideal conditions for the profitable Mining of Coins. Especially the water works now supply the abandoned factories from the time of the Soviet Union, with the energy for the creation of digital currencies.

By Alexandra cons
At the 2. September 2019BTC$9.829,88 2.74%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

the new Bitcoin Mining farms are clustered, Especially in the old industrial town of Bratsk itself. The low temperatures in the Region are ideal to cool the time-consuming Mining technique in a natural and cost-effective way. Further, the low electricity costs from the Bratsker water power plant for the Bitcoin Miner attractive.

But also elsewhere, after the collapse of the USSR disused factories get new tasks. In an article In the Russia business today Dmitry tried this thing recently, CEO of Eletro comes.Farm, a local Mining company, to speak:

The current surplus in Russia is huge, since some of the Soviet works were closed, and the energy consumption was in the course of time much more efficient.

Cheaper electricity, low temperatures – ideal Bitcoin-Mining-conditions for investors from all over the world

According to tried this thing recently to account for the Bitcoin Mining farms in Russia, a total of ten percent of the entire Bitcoin network in the world. His estimates are based on data from manufacturers of specialized Mining Chips, the ASICs. With around four cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, the majority of the hydropower plants produce is extremely cheap. In comparison, The average price for electricity in Russia is 7-8 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Bitcoin Mining is on the rise

Meanwhile, no longer invest in the long-gone local Bitcoin Miner in appropriate Equipment in Siberia. Meanwhile, the customers are also from the USA, Russia, Korea, India, Japan, and Spain. Investors from Brazil, Lithuania, India, Poland and China, are now active here.

for the Bitcoin Mining disused factories often have good electrical infrastructure, which simplifies the use of the ASICs strong. Accordingly, only the number of investors, but also the number of Bitcoin Mining facilities to steadily. It remains to be seen how the Mining in Siberia developed in the long term. However, the taxation of the mined Coins is not regulated entirely consistent, as we reported recently.

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