All the Top 10 Coins have been recorded in the last week, once again, exchange rate losses.

From Stefan Lübeck
19. August 2019BTC$this total, 10,918,00 5.77%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

With a weekly loss of 5.8% of the Bitcoin to Cash exchange rate is still the best, and thus it falls to around five per cent less than the average of the Top Coins, and is in order this week also stronger than the base currency of Bitcoin itself. With a one week discount of nearly 15 percent of Litecoin’s exchange rate is currently at the end of the week.

look at the market capitalisation

total market capitalization on the Basis of values of Cryptocap shown

The abandoned was the overall situation in the crypto market seems currently rather bearish, support at 278 billion US dollars. As long as the market does not create an exemption, and the 300-billion-U.S.-Dollar mark, it is to be hoped that the support range of 230 to 240 billion US-Dollar is not exceeded. After all, the weekly candle looks just before the close of the week after a Doji, which indicated interest in buying the support of approximately 240 billion U.S. dollars. The price is also currently above the upward trend line in the weekly chart. The Situation on the Altcoin market looks, however, is still not positive, many Altcoins there are, also this week, a new all-time lows. A desirable stabilization continues to take place.

Best price development: Bitcoin Cash

rate analysis on the Basis of the value pair BCH/USDT on Bittrex

Bitcoin, Cash has the market correction in the last week, not evade, with a week loss from the current level of 6 percent but a relatively good and is in the last week of the strongest Altcoins in the Top 10. The course has been tested in the middle of the week, the lower edge of the forming a bear flag at 269 US dollars and successfully defended. During the weekend the price of Bitcoin could stabilize Cash and is currently trading almost 15 percent higher at 317 US dollars. Thus, increase of opportunities there are for the time being, in the direction of the exponentially moving average of the last 200 days at 334 US Dollar.

this brand will decide whether Bitcoin Cash may once again attempt an assault on the top edge of the bear flag. Only a fraction of 362 US dollars would negate the bearish scenario, the trained flag and further Upside allow. At the bottom of the course is covered by the flag’s lower edge, as well as the last Low at $ 250. At 223 US dollars for the super trend from the weekly chart, which should also supporting is currently in addition. Even if Bitcoin Cash has managed this week to escape the Downtrend a bit, it is still to talk too early from the end of the correction.

The indicators RSI and MACD to supply in the daily chart currently divergent signals. While the RSI is trending pretty powerless sideways, has formed in the MACD, a new lot of bids due soon Signal. On a weekly basis, a similar picture emerges, the RSI is moving with a value of 48 rather directionless sideways, while the MACD is a fresh short signal. However, a different picture is shown on a weekly basis. The RSI is falling, but still above the mark of 55. The MACD indicator provides in the past week, however, a new sell signal. The indicators currently in a rather bearish Tenor, which is consistent with the formation of a trend-following flag formation. Also, when Bitcoin-Cash exchange rate should be carefully observed, only a break of the flag would provide a new Trading Setup.

Worst course development: Litecoin

rate analysis on the Basis of the value pair LTC/USDT on Binance

Litecoin has to show for this week, the worst weekly performance among the Top 10 Coins. Shortly before the close of the week, which is 14.6% loses Litecoin on 77,50 dollars. Despite the Halvings of the Coins, Litecoin has lost in the forefront now around 50 percent from its high for the year. During the week a comment of the Litecoin developer Charlie Lee also made a stir. The project there is a lack of development of willing programmers. Of course you can solve on the weekend, after all, from the weekly low at 71,15 US dollars, which is an important support.

it is Important that the course is now quickly the area around ~US $ 82 back. Only in case of breakage this brand is the Chance of a re-Test of the exponential moving average of the last 200 days at 88,50 US Dollar. At the moment it is too early to speak of a double bottom. Only if there is a breakout above the downward trend line at 88 US manage dollars, could turn the Trend to Bullish. As long as this is not met, continues to outweigh the downside risks.

The chart technical Situation looks currently, even in the larger units of time, rather bearish, a break of the range to $ 70 activated goals 66,50 US Dollar, the Low from April 2019, as well as below the support area at 60 dollars.

The RSI and the MACD-indicator in the daily chart are currently showing bearish signals. The RSI is interpreted with a value of 37 still weak, only a fraction of the 46 would trigger upwards, a buy-signal. Also the MACD has formed due to the weak Price trend in the past week, a new sell signal. The picture is similar to week view. Both indicators have fresh sell signals, what is the overall negative image in the larger units of time, reinforced. A possible Short scenario would be a Short Order at 83,50 USD with a target 66,80 the US Dollar and the Stop Loss at 90,80 US Dollar. So the Short is above the exponential moving would be hedged in average of the last 200 days and a strong resistance.

stability of the Top 10

The Top 10 Coins for this week to be weak and recorded an average discount of 9.6 per cent. As in the last week can solve the levels for at least the last 3 trading days is significantly different from their week lows. No changes occurred in the current week in the ranking of the Top 10 Altcoins. With Bitcoin, Cash and Bitcoin SV at least two tokens compete better than Bitcoin and are only half as large price reductions.

winners and losers of the week

for The past week again shows a rather bleak picture at the Top 100 Altcoins. Again, more than 60 percent of all Altcoin/USD pairs recorded a strong rate of loss. Again, a particularly strong discount, may be averted thanks to a good second half of the week for the time being. Also, the majority of the Altcoin/BTC pairs have this week, next gen, Sweetthe. The Chart of the Altcoin total market vs. Bitcoin corroborated the finding. The Course also looks in the past week, once again weak, and can only be negligible from the low for the year. As long as the previous week low, which is also the Low from December 2017, is defended, however, remains at least a little bit of hope that a bottom could be formed.

In the current bearish market environment make it this week, eight of the Top 100 Coins to record double-digit price gains. With a plus of almost 70 per cent, YOU Chain this week is the strongest among the Top 100, followed by Beam with a premium of 33.4%. The Cryptocurrency with the largest weekly loss in the last week of the Egretia Coin with a discount of almost 23 percent, also one of the biggest losers of the last week. GXChain, currently has almost 20 percent discount. This week, nearly 25 percent of the Top 100 lose again more than ten percent of their value, and mark, a new all-time lows.

look at the Bitcoin domination

total market capitalization exclusive Bitcoin on the Basis of values of Cryptocap, as well as on the Basis of the value pair is BTC/USD on Coinbase.

with the decline in The overall market has softened the views are generally further. The outflow of money on a broad Front, the dominance of Bitcoin on the previous week’s level of persistence. Currently, it is in the altcoin market, from short-term price jumps of individual Coins apart, continue to be very difficult to make medium-term Investments. To Park his money, if necessary, on the side line to observe the behavior of the market in the coming weeks, once, for me personally is the best approach. If possible ETF approvals will bring to the Bitcoin by the SEC in the USA new more sustainable impulses for the crypto-market, it remains to be seen.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is the illustrated rate estimates do not constitute buy or sell recommendations. They are merely an assessment of the analysts.

The chart images have been using trading view created.

USD/EUR exchange rate on the cut-off of 0.90 Euro.

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