The Blockchain-business Black Manta gets a BaFin license. Thus, the STO-platform is allowed to operate immediately out of Germany in Europe.

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is The infrastructure for Security Token Offerings (STO) is still in its infancy: so Far, there are only a few companies that have specialized in the tokenization of assets. Well-regulated secondary markets with sufficient liquidity are few and far between.

However, STOs are an attractive investment vehicle. On the one hand, they offer small enterprises, whose capacity would exceed an IPO, a new Form of capital formation. On the other hand, investors benefit, because the Token can be traded and not exchange-times are dependent. For Curious: In our Tutorial, we take a separate look at STOs.

It’s a little doubt: Tokenized assets with the future of the financial sector. And so takes it not surprising that in this country resourceful companies are working on the financial infrastructure of the future. So Black Manta Capital Partners (BMCP GmbH). Because according to a press release shows, the company receives the license as financial services Institute. Thus, BMCP is allowed to operate in the whole of Europe, and Assets, as a Token to securitize. The license of the German financial Supervisory authority BaFin the 1 has. August of this year issued. From the fourth quarter of 2019 BMCP wants to take over the business operation.

That Security tokens are not more indispensable in the future from the financial market, this opinion also, Christian Platzer, of his character, the founder of the Berlin BMCP GmbH is, of course. He even speaks of a paradigm shift.

The Tokenization of securities is bound to bring about a paradigmatic change in the global financial markets. As Black Manta Capital Partners, we want to be the first of all Boutique service providers and hand-picked the STOs to handle, but we are also pursuing from the first day of an international strategy.

Black Manta is referred to as a so-called “one-stop Agency”, all aspects of the Tokenization of assets for their clients through leads.

you snooze, you…

in addition to the now-licensed BMCP GmbH in Berlin, operates Black Manta Capital Partners, a consulting company in Vienna with focus on digital currencies such as Bitcoin. The next strategic step was the establishment of the Black Manta Asia in Singapore and the request to the appropriate license from the competent authority, as the company writes in the message.

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