Long the crypto-Community has been waiting for this appointment. Now Bakkt has finally announced the launch of Bitcoin Futures. 23. September will be daily and monthly Futures on the platform. Previously, there was a test run of the futures contracts. The price of Bitcoin is likely to benefit.

From Polina Khubbeeva
17. August 2019BTC$10.237,00 -1.79%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

A Blockchain company Bakkt announced a date for the Launch of Bitcoin Futures. This comes from a Medium Post by Bakkt-CEO Kelly Loeffler of 16. August show. Accordingly, the products launching on the platform on 23. September of this year. This is daily and monthly Futures. Came together with them in the future on Intercontinental Exchange Futures U.S., and the Intercontinental Exchange Clear U.S.

In the last few weeks Bakkt Events held in New York and Chicago, in which about 150 Participants. Among them, customers, representatives of Regulatory bodies and market actors were. Apparently Bakkt received in this context, it is also the start of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). This is the U.S. regulatory authority, which is for financial products of this kind in charge.

In the past, there have been inconsistencies with the CFTC with regard to the approval of the Futures. So, for example, LedgerX had to put recently his Futures plans for the time being on the ice after the CFTC refused to grant a permit. Bakkt seems to have been successful with the CFTC agreed.

Bakkt want more security by mentally-funded Bitcoin Futures

Last Bakkt sent his Futures in the test phase, with the organization, in particular, to attracting investors. In contrast to already existing Offered Bakkt wants to make his Futures regulated and safer. To achieve this, the company mainly by physically-funded Bitcoin Futures, which are based on real BTC. Institutional investors facilitate these physically covered Futures, meanwhile, the Bitcoin investment, because your investments are kept safe as a result. In the case of the Bakkt Futures this is done via a purpose-built “Bakkt Warehouse” which will store the Bitcoin.

In the case of Bitcoin Futures they are futures contracts. With this User on the Bitcoin can bet on-course. In contrast to the spot market, you can make on the futures market then Profit if the price goes down. Also due to the positive impact on the Bitcoin rate futures are growing in popularity in the crypto-Ecosystem. Market giant Coinbase announced, for example, Recently the expansion of its Futures activities.

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