We met for an Interview with Kai Kuljurgis, CEO of coindex to talk to him about the situation on the crypto-market. In addition to his assessment of the market, there is also the question of how the merger between the traditional financial sector, and the crypto-sector is further developed.

By Sven Wagenknecht
17. August 2019BTC$9.697,19 -8.62%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

His company is developing a digital assets Manager for crypto-currencies like Bitcoin & co. investors, index investing is based and automated in a diversified Portfolio of crypto-values. The investment strategy is based on one of the crypto-indices from the in-house cdx® index family. The leading index of the index family, the cdx acts® – as a Benchmark for the global crypto market and is the first German crypto-Index with their own securities identification number (SLA6T7).

BTC-ECHO: How do you evaluate the current situation of the market in Bitcoin & co.?

Kai Kuljurgis: I think that we had, especially in the last few months, a positive market trend – both for the front as well as subtle market parameters, such as Wallet and Hash activities. But we must also say that the crypto market is still a largely unregulated market. For example, there is a relatively high concentration of Assets on a few players. Such circumstances make a reliable estimate difficult.

BTC-ECHO: How do you assess in this context, the Problem of market manipulation and Wash trading?

Kai Kuljurgis: That there is this Problem, is not to be dismissed out of Hand. I see that there is a maturation in the market and trying to address the issue. On the other hand, you have to be careful with the regulations, and that the whole concept ad absurdum. Back to the question: I am bullish and I believe that the market sentiment is very positive. I would, however, be careful to follow gamblers and traders, to promote a return to an all-time high.

BTC-ECHO: to justify the technological development of the Blockchain Ecosystem, because quickly enough to higher courses technical-fundamental?

Kai Kuljurgis: If you want to be a General acceptance, one must initiate the necessary technological steps. For this to happen. In some Places, this may not take place so quickly how the would like the larger market participants. But it happens, and I can see a positive effect.

BTC-ECHO: What do you appreciate, and is currently a large market risk for crypto currencies?

Kai Kuljurgis: of coindex are very closely linked to the regulation here in Germany. I believe that regulation – in particular, for the protection of investors – is super important. If you would make in terms of regulation, but it alone would be problematic. The [crypto-regulation] must be held at least on a European level, better at the global level. In Germany, the topic is part of the confusing complex and in part still completely in the dark. Some rules apply, for example, so far for Bitcoin as the currently most important Asset, it is not but clarified whether or not also for other cryptographic values, such as Ethereum, or Litecoin. This will lead either to projects not be realized at all, or investors go into a law-free space, if you want to invest in these projects. We must take care not to, that it depends on us.

BTC-ECHO: what is the future of crypto-trade? Classic on crypto-exchanges and the “real” Token, or via regulated financial products such as certificates and funds, the Token as a base value?

Kai Kuljurgis: Basically, you have to remember that we are of coindex no Cypherpunks. There are two ideologies collide: on the one hand, the “evil” capitalism, with its structured financial products in the yield and on the other hand, decentralized crypto-liberalisation of values, such as Bitcoin, where it comes to access to value transfer, and about the underlying Services. If you want to answer a question like that, you have to have this field of tension is always in view. I do think that regulated financial products will become increasingly important, but I also hope that the ideological aspect is in the foreground. Because everything else looks approximately so: We also want to have some of the cake, but let’s get our piece with the Cups we already had in the sandbox. The new sand we don’t want to box but.

BTC-ECHO: Why, in your opinion, be a crypto-Portfolio diversification? Ultimately, the entire market is however, according to Bitcoin or?

Kai Kuljurgis: , The current market dominance of Bitcoin is just a snapshot in time, which fluctuates heavily, and for the future is unclear. A diversification of power despite the current high Bitcoin dominance sense, as the conditions on the crypto-market. Among other things, this is also a reason why we develop in coindex crypto-indices, the data are driven and automatically several cryptographic values can be mapped. If so, the dominance of Bitcoin suddenly drops from 60 percent to 50 percent, it is not necessary to take care of it as a coindex-users, because the selected Index strategy, the following Portfolio will make this adjustment in the context of the Rebalancing for objectively and automatically.

BTC-ECHO: what do you think of the chances that we will see this year, a Bitcoin ETF, which can also be of small investors traded?

Kai Kuljurgis: I must admit that I am well versed with the regulatory processes in the United States so much. But I found striking is that the Chicago options exchange has delistet your Bitcoin products [the speech is from the Cboe, the futures contracts on the CME are traded]. Clearly, this was economically not attractive enough. In the da-CH market, however, there are crypto-financial products and are very successful. You should, however, be speculation of course explosions after the admission of the Bitcoin ETF to be careful.

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